
You don't know this woman! You're acting like being a "grandmother" puts her in the white haired old lady baking pies and giving out sage wisdom category, but she could just as easily be in the 3rd generation crime family has her grandkids out on the street corners hustling category.

As a former public defender, I can attest that the correctional facilities my clients experienced served no rehabilitative purpose whatsoever. NONE. They were essentially warehouses, which systematically and brazenly stripped inmates of their dignity and privacy, provided inadequate shelter (literally freezing in


That is awful and I'm sorry that you experienced that.

As someone who has been incarcerated before I can whole heartedly say the atrocities and violations committed in prisons and correctional facilities are on both sides of the gender. They are not specific to woman and or men. Both sexes suffer when you are imprisoned to the highest degree.

Almost sounds like a romance gone bad, don't it?

Beyonce's music and image is the best advertising for marriage I've ever seen. Wait, you can be married and your career doesn't go to shit because your husband feels entitled to all your time? Wait, you can be married and the sex gets better? Wait, you can be a mother AND a hotsexy woman? That's marriage? Fucking sign

Totally logical, I mean if you are going to decimate the population by rolling back policies based on germ theory, you're going to need a way higher birthrate to compensate.

Hold on a second, they want a government that is small enough to fit inside a vagina. That is what all this small government is about you know. Got to trim it down to the right size. A tampon-sized government if you will, hand-washing optional.

thank Thom Tillis, pillar of logical consistency!

It's all the will of the invisible poopy hand.

Yes, let's get rid of all government regulation! Free the people! We don't need building codes or speed limits or the FDA or courts or rules about preventing disease! If your house catches on fire, pay the firefighters to come put it out! If you need to drive somewhere, you should be able to do it in a car that emits

Tillis is, of course, a proponent of small government and limited interference right up until he reaches your vagina, which he would like to see vigorously probed with an ultrasound wand if you need to get an abortion, which of course he'd like to see banned altogether. Of course.


Beyonce' is married to the father of her child, is an independently and hugely successful woman who has referred to God and her Houston Methodist church several times in interviews...I wonder what could possibly be framing their issue with her?

her most popular song right now is called "drunken love"... Is that really appropriate for teenagers?

He doesn't care, I doubt he believes it himself, because it's all just a sham. All he wants is a few bucks given to him, in $10 to $25 dollar increments, by scared, elderly white people.
