
Well you could argue that Huckabee didn't mean it in a racist way I suppose. Though I would say it's pretty hard to not get the general trope of black women being sexualized as whores and black men being thought of as pimps. Though as someone pointed out Huckabee is apparently a young earth creationist so it's not

How is the Koala proof that the human race is a virus (though I do tend to agree with that statement in general). This article doesn't mention that humans were responsible for anything that happened to it aside from the medical treatment it is currently receiving.

Don't be an ass. I fail to see how the law itself as it's written is racist. Could you enlighten me as to how the law itself is?

SO yes pokemon battles are cock fights and it's anyone's guess as to what kind of government exists. And it does seem like most technological advances revolve around pokemon (possibly even supplying nurse Joys and officer Jennys). But the rest of your argument is basically that they get treated like animals? Animals

How so?

Arguably not the case here as it wasn't (to my knowledge) a case of Facebook censoring their speech or banning them. Some students have won (generally at public universities and grade schools) cases over their punishment for statements made off and on campus as they are arguably government administered institutions.

Got my expectations up for a total 180 and then let me down. I expected Santorum level bile from him (pre-primary at least).

You do. Though I would say that the POTUS playing a few rounds isn't an emergency. But they were indeed aware of the possibility of it being canceled.

Not really comparable as they reserved the location. I would assume if someone managed to stage their ceremony on a street they would have reserved the road and had it blocked off.

I didn't realize that. Thanks for the info.

I meant the Florida woman not this rather artistic lady. Hopefully they do loosen up a bit. As jail time for a vagina canoe seems like a bit much (well a whole lot much) and that fine is pretty ridiculous. But then again I haven't ever been a fan of obscenity charges.

I should have said "What is human life". But that is of course a valid point.

Through a wall into a room with children after leaving and coming back into the house which was not her house. And they just redid her case she got less than that now.

According to this article they would arrest for a dick kayak as well (which seems a bit odd considering some festivals but idk Japan's treatment of religious celebration vs secular objects).

It does when that's what the article is about. Like for instance being proud that we didn't give someone who killed his girlfriend and feed her to dogs a work release to play pro soccer (I think it was Brazil that did) doesn't imply that we necessarily incarcerate the people we should all the time (like say Zimmerman).

The fetus/ child designation is really more of a philosophical/ legal definition than a scientific one. Goes with the whole when does life start argument which really depends on what one considers to be life.


I don't care what anyone thinks of him as President, but I dare someone to say that this isn't the most adorable picture of a POTUS ever.

God yes.

It didn't hurt that Moore was under the impression that the story would be out of continuity (I wonder if the editor thought the same).