
What game is this?

Nice. I seem to remember not being able to do that in 3 or 4. Arguably killing someone because of mission directive isn't a choice (well not in this context) since it's required for a mission. Also if they screwed you over the game is arguably justifying retaliation against someone who wronged you. Where as hookers

Yep. But you don't give the money in the first place. So that isn't a refund.

Murder tends to have a very well investigated piece of evidence that rape doesn't tend to. Namely the body. Though you're right of course.

The UK has different legal standards and precedents than the US.

There was a case with a teacher who raped her students. But I think it was an exception depending on potential punishment. In general Statutes exist due to the difficulty of finding witnesses to deffend ones self (as well as the difficulty of finding evidence and witnesses to prosecute with). This being a good example

It's arguably an incentivised choice. I.E. You don't have to kill them for the game but you gain currency back from doing it. Unlike say if you kill (or try to) a male whom you can have a transaction with (i.e. an arms dealer).

While I would agree. I would suggest some of the outrage towards GTA involves the general consensus that women shouldn't be targets of violence (i.e. Chivalry towards women) whether it is sexist or not, the current discussions about domestic and sexual abuse and the fact that you have the option to hire say a hooker

So does Stern not still make all of the off color comments he was known for? Is he not a shock jock any more? Seriously wondering since I don't have Sirius.

I would point out for every conscientious person like you who believes that they should only take what they need, there is either someone like me who takes all I can get (seriously full unemployment (which I would say is a form of social welfare regardless of the unemployment insurance payed in) my freshman year with

It's allocated through a defense spending bill and spending on military equipment and resources is considered defense spending. I was told how much they spent on my M16A4, trust me I know it isn't spent well.

The Queen giveth the Queen taketh away.

Never got why people trust them so much. Someone can pass it even if lying and people who are worked up (such as say people with PTSD being asked about their trauma) are pretty likely to give bad results (as in accurate).

What can I say? I like spitting in the face of Jingoism. :P

Didn't catch that part about cameras. I actually think they can do that (as in accomplish their end of it). I just want to see how many departments accept it. Would be nice for more of them to (since it benefits pretty much everyone except for corrupt cops (need a witness that you didn't beat someone there's video,

It's almost like maybe we don't need to spend more money on defense than the next 26 countries combined.

Isn't the DOJ the department that gave those toys out in the first place (or worked with the DOD to pass them out, or what ever)?

Lets see if he actually changes anything. Not the firs time a bureaucrat has made promises that they couldn't or wouldn't follow up on (i.e Bush's No Child program or Obama not closing Guantanamo).

Hey, don't out symbolism. :P

Well congress could always ask someone to come, and they can even order it. So to not implies that either no one or only a few were interested to. But the DOJ wouldn't (from my understanding) be able to charge the judge with anything (since prosecution throwing the case isn't something under their control) and the