
Seems a lot like economic mobility in the US. I wonder how mobility for ethnic minority groups in Japan compares to the US.


So they're pissed that they didn't break any rules individually and are getting punished for it? Not really surprising most people don't like to be (or feel) punished for things they didn't do. Kind of surprised this hasn't happened therer or at other campuses with school hosted Frats and sororities. It seems like an

Thank you.

Great piece. I really need to make it up there to get some of their food. Hope the cops catch whoever is sending these threats and charges them with, well terrorist threats.

I might actually be willing to try to defend the writers assertions if it seemed like he actually bothered to interview anybody or form a comprehensible article.

Any chance you could share links on some of your readings? Because other than Mormon schism groups and some middle eastern countries I didn't realize polygamy really had much of a foot print. And I didn't realize that their was anywhere where multiple husbands was a thing.

Considering even Fox News seems to approve of her I would hope the repubs will just sign off.

I get that people want to protect the sanctity of their property values and all, but they do realize that homeless folks don't just spontaneously appear in an area, right? So I'm at a loss of how these ordinances do anything except make it harder on good Samaritans. Also if your worried about property values so much

I thought incumbents tended to benefit from being in office.

Will these be as bland as the original product? I mean the marketing was great and all but I hear the product left quite a bit to be desired.

Some individual commentors may. But usually they get dog piled on for it.

That's to bad. Kind of surprised that they embraced more hateful bunch since I heard the TeaParty hadn't gotten as many winners (either members or let's call them "close friends") this time. Here I was hoping they were heading back towards the center.

If it makes you feel better the last time I voted my candidate lost. These last 2 that I missed either my candidate won or the incunbant I disliked lost. So apparently my vote is counterproductive.

Arguably since at least a few months ago a number of GOPers had been calling for the smarmy statements to stop. I assume because it was bad PR and they would like a shot at getting moderate votes. I didn't catch enough of this election to know if they had much of an effect or not just enough to know that they were

You could make the argument that it's painting him by his disability. Similar to if you pointed out that a black candidate worked against things that would benefit black folks. Though if what Ms Davis's camp is saying is true (basically that he highlighted his disability as a defining trait) then I would say it's fair

Arguably for some (and I would assume they would be angrier and more likely to vote) the system is only guaranteeing a tax (according to SCOTUS) or a fine (according to congress) since they still can't afford it (namely those who work to little at any one job to qualify and still can't afford it).

Same here. But my governor (the one who was up for reelection not necessarily the one that I would have voted for) lost which was the only election that I had an opinion on any of the politicians (that I could have voted in).

If we're talking about the system I would assume it would be more of a problem for someone who couldn't afford a lawyer since this is a university hearing and not a criminal case. I know quite a few people that I went to college with who would have had trouble making that in 13 days while attending classes. Some of

Does he actually have much money? Valid point and all. I just didn't know if he had much being that he's a college student.