
How so? I don't agree with the outrage on this (mostly because let's face it, a number of celebrated things have decent links to slavery, and or the oppression of Indians in this country (i.e. the secession from the Bits mostly benefited rich Whites who were by and large slave owners (it changed tax rates which

Well. In all fairness, the North didn't fight it for slavery. Though that was amusingly the reason the Confederacy was formed. I say amusingly because they probably could have kept their slaves longer if they hadn't seceded.

Thank you.

Doesn't look like she was exploited by the wiki article on her (other than her rape as a child). Got a link to the documentary.

And here I thought extreme conservatives thought that producing a baby out of wedlock was a no no.

Well. You students probably didn't make up the relatively minor percentage of people who get horribly bent out of shape by Sarkesian and her ilk ,and/ or the lack of anonymity and or a group mindset conducive to acting out in that way may have had an effect.

Great piece.

I don't know. It seems to me like he is a bad boy. A racist pro-genocidal one.

I don't think shawarma has blown anyone up (though quite possibly it has caused quite a bit heart attacks). Interesting that you conflate an area that produces a large number of terrorists with being animals without culture. I suppose you won't be celebrating St. Patrick's day then (though that the Irish named a

Yes and no. They are recognized as an observer nation in the UN I believe. And one or 2 European nations recognize them, the UK is apparently voting on whether to consider them one or not. That brings into question Countries that are occupied / or have no land, though to be fair we've had a few in the past (Serbia was

It depends how pedantic you want to be with conflict. Kind of like the Vietnam War wasn't actually a war (we never declared war it was officially a "police action") kind of thing. But if they except that we are in conflict with Iran (who is working with us on ISIS) then it seems like they should admit that we are in

There really isn't much of a way to eliminate casualties completely in urban warfare. Though by far Israel could attempt to do more to avoid it (like double checking intel on the targets they plan to use an artillery strike on) you know, seeing as (from what I understand) the innocent people getting caught in the

Arguably I can see why the Jewish community in Pitt would want to be involved then. But in truth they have no reason to be if they have no right to expect to be. They aren't living in Israel. And since the concept seems to be (from what I've gathered from this article and the comments) to humanize cultures the US is

Thanks for sharing this. I have to say despite living most of my life in PA and attending college not far away (Clarion, PA) I haven't ever actually been to this restaurant (or Pittsburgh proper really). I think I need to make a road trip there now.

Remind me, I haven't read the law in a bit. But doesn't it basically just legally enshrine that just because someone doesn't say "no" doesn't mean that it's a yes. So other than the cross examination now focusing on why did you believe you had consent instead of why didn't you object I thought the burden of proof was

They are generally normal people. But most people don't tend to view themselves as rapists. So I don't see how outreach to people as potential predators is going to be all that helpful. The whole no means no and yes means yes are about the best that can be done. If understanding those concepts doesn't stop the rape I

Anywhere that we can get stats on these?

Great article.

There actually is a data base. It's imperfect for various reasons (most seem pretty shady). But some guy at gawker was reporting that he had spent a year researching police shootings and made one (it was in an article he had written).