
From what I had read some of them didn't choose to upload them. There was a bug that caused photo's to be uploaded to Apple's iCloud if access was enabled on the phone.

Thank you.

<Sarcasm> That's not bigoted and or racist at all. </Sarcasm>

Um. Harassing people is still free speech. Just as yelling fire in a movie theater. I am curious what Reddit and Fourchan's opinions are going to be when they get sued though. That should be hilarious.

Do those glasses still have a label on them?

She talks about people being mean spirited and then goes on to be mean spirited. Whether she has a point or not tends to be overshadowed by being nasty when your post could otherwise be summed up as people are being dicks and I don't write for dicks.

You don't pay enough attention to sports enthusiasts. They have their problems (like riots and such). In that they are quite like gamers (as a community). An otherwise enjoyable group soured by a minority of very vocal people acting mean.

Why are people pissed off at gamersgate? Do they not like discounts? Honestly is it a different gamersgate was there some controversy?

Kotaku is a media organisation correct? So them removing things that they consider harmful or objectionable would qualify as censorship by the definition you posted.

Some did. Others attacked your observation or questioned what you meant by it. Are you implying that games focusing on white men shooting non-whites are causing the hate speech and threats? If not then how would these developers lead the charge as it were (and why even bring up the disappointing lack of diversity in

But as consumers why are we responsible to buy games that we may not enjoy. I assume many people have a better time associating with characters of their own race. Why should they buy games that don't equally entertain them or not by games that do?

Luke. While I agree with what you mean (I think). Taking away inappropriate images and statements is a form of censorship. And one that to some extent is going to happen any ware as even assuming that someone wants an open discussion, blatant attacks on individuals (such as threats and ad hominem attacks) are

I do. As it is generally used by this community to mean that one loves playing games. Regardless of what the word originally meant or was used for. The author is right. Words don't exist in a vacuum. And a large number of people have and will continue to use that term to define someone who enjoys playing video games

Gotta tell ya dude. I'm sure Luke and whoever else moderate Kotaku don't love your comment. But It's not even in the grays (it's like the 8th one down) so I don't think they are censoring reasonable discussion. Ad Hominem attacks and threats though have for a long time been generally held to be toxic to discussions.

You know, when I saw those photos (I think here) I thought it looked more appropriate for a brothel than a place that employs barristas.

Proton beam not laser beam. A proton Beam is a type of charged particle beam where as a laser is amplified light (the name is actually an acronym for light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation).

I guess I can see how his face kind of looks like a parrot. The glasses kind of make his nose look beak like. If I kind of squint.

I would be more excited if it seemed like they were going to do something only tangentially related to the movie. I mean it was great and all but I would rather a new or different take on the Snow Queen than just a tie in to the movie.

Well in the book isn't this scene all about torturing her?

So only 6 dollars a pack? Oh Nintendo. You know how to take my money. First release Smash 3DS first then these and then a new 3DS. Can I just opt to direct deposit my paycheck to them yet?