
Quite a few men do experience it (not in the same numbers to be fair). People just naturally seem to asume if it's on the internet it doesn't mean anything.

They didn't really prove her point though. They don't paint a nice picture. But they hardly prove why they feel that this is ok or what specifically from their environments would lead them to feel this way.

Wait. She's calling them prostitutes? Doesn't she advocate for marrying a wealthy (or someone who is likely to make a decent amount) spouse.

Because some people are prideful ass holes who care to much about what others think and care to little about the people they supposedly love.

I agree that the AC:U criticism is misplaced. For the reasons you state in your first paragraph.

52% is still a bigger share of the pie than 48%. So I suppose if that 48% (or any portion there of or any portion of the 52% who are against the status quo) should stop buying games that support said status quo.

"Where's the "beat the shit out of YogsCast" app, hmm?"

How are people who are not harassing or assaulting others part of the problem?


Pathogen is still showing as 2.99

Pathogen is still showing as 2.99

Yeah the gender swap thing. She used Pac-Man and miss pac man as examples (I think she also pointed out Super Man and Super Girl). It was a good example. I'm not saying she is failing to illustrate her points. Just that if she doesn't point to why examples are representative of a larger trend she is failing to display

I'm a stickler for people arguing effectively. But no if she said that at some point (in some way) in her video then that would be sufficient.

They probably thought it would be a fun experience for her. Obviously not the best idea to start off someone on an automatic weapon with quite a bit of kick (for the size).

That would be criminal negligence and probably manslaughter (possibly murder 2). You can get charged with manslaughter and the incident still be considered an accident. For instance going 80 on a highway and clipping someone accidentally.

It would be. I don't remember her saying that though. Did she (it's been a while since I watched the first set for this series)?

Enough to show that it's a problem.

You realize the vaccine doesn't actually prevent all HPV. I believe (they may have improved on it) that it only prevents the 4 most common strains. Still a very good thing. But in no way does it protect against all HPV.

I didn't say it had nothing to do with her being a woman (women do definitely get attacked in this manner more often). Or that's how the internet is (though to be fair that's how a vocal minority of it responds to everything they take issue with). I said that people threatening her doesn't in and of it self prove a

Um. She's claiming that it is widespread. She still has to support and defend that position. Which she does somewhat poorly (by only addressing a few games and working from the conclusion that they are examples of a wide spread problem).

The response doesn't say much about the games though (well in and of itself). It just shows there are some very vocal maladjusted people who don't like what she's doing.