
You do realize that there are white Muslims and POC non-Muslims who discriminate against Muslims. Race really has nothing to do with this.

According to this article he wished to attend services, not just pray. So it's like a Catholic asking off for Saturday evening Mass.

Question. In New York are employers required to allow people time off for religious reasons? Shitty either way since they said they would give the time off.

Quite a fascinating article.

Cops not wasting resources by harassing minorities and or poor people? Thanks for sharing this. After the shit happening in Ferguson it's nice to see cops doing something nice for people.

Oh yay. Didn't the surgeon general suggest like two years ago that they needed to re-visit this for blood donations?

So how old were the younger kids if the oldest one was 8?

Woot. War Tool is caught. Guy seems kind of crazy. Like literally mentally ill from what his family said and what his twitter seemed to say. Hope he gets the help he needs and never hurts anyone again. Or if he isn't ill a very nice stay in jail will be nice.

The Pope checks balls?

I always thought racist comments and obsessions with others mothers sex lives was more of an Xbox Live thing.

Squeeeee. :)


This is awesome.

"Here in the United States police should not be arresting journalists who are trying to do their jobs," . Now if something would happen (like MO's governor deploying the guard) to stop this police riot that would be excellent. Like you pointed out Kara it's not like they can ignore this and claim they didn't know now.

CNN actually had some decent coverage up until Tuesday. Interviews and such. I mean the comments were horrible enough even I found them to be incredibly horrid and all but the interview whit the friend and some of the protesters was pretty decently done. I did see part of FOX News on Sunday I think (I don't know what

Kind of surprised no one's released shoes like this before.

Great coverage. To bad it's such a depressing topic.

I did not know about that vote. Thanks for the link.

Actually it started because the war on drugs. There was a bill back in 1996 (I think) that started arming local and state police. The patriot act definitely made it worse though. MSNBC had an article on it yesterday.