
Careful you don’t conflate invoice with “sticker price”. Invoice is the price the dealer presumably paid for the car. Sticker is the invoice plus the mark up. If you truly got the car for 16K under invoice, that is either $100k vehicle, or you may be confusing invoice with sticker price. 16K under sticker would be

It bothers me that Verizon and Sprint are charging for the luxury of not being bothered by potential scam or robo calls. This further incentivizes them to not fix the system to make it harder for these fraudsters. They presumably already make money when these companies make a call, and now they are making money to not

I REALLY REALLY hope he surprises me. But history has shown that this guy cannot be trusted. Once bitten... well, we have been bitten a few dozen times... twice shy.

Maybe Trump University opened an IT education program?

I have driven in Saudi. Believe me.. adding women is not going to make their driving any worse.

Good Plan. That one at is the worst phishing site. They scammed millions!

I am a veteran, serving in both Operation Desert Storm and performing combat insertions into Somalia to remove wounded. I joined the military for many reasons, but one of them was to protect our country and the freedoms that many of us take for granted. We have the freedom of speech and the right to peaceful protest

I put very little stock in those tests. I have taken many of them during my career as part of various leadership and teamwork classes. They rarely appear to accurately describe my personality. They will get some things right but get just as many things very wrong. Maybe the describe some, or even a small majority of

Are you sure you are just not justifying your hoarding behavioral issue? ;)

Ahh... Thanks. Man I should have gone to law school. =)

Just curious what happens to that extra $120k of ‘go fund me’ money after they pay the $50k layer bill.

Does it also spread poop around the house if you have a pet that has an accident? =)

Does it also spread poop around the house if you have a pet that has an accident? =)

I am sure you already get out and vote... not just in national elections but in local ones. But that is about the only thing a civilized society can do... get out the vote.

Wait! I see now. Trump is not trying to prevent the illegal immigration of ‘people’. He wants to keep all those illegal animals out!

Not sure if you are being sarcastic, but the term “arms race” simply illustrates a race of technology here. It is used in various ways to describe when organizations or countries compete in technology or almost anything, for that matter.

Understood. I did not mean the tone to sound like some sort of criticism. It was my perspective that it is a shame we have to prepare ourselves for folks being inappropriate.

It is. Just like the theory of gravity. Don’t misrepresent theory as guess.

Imagine what the industry would look like if they all carried every show or movie. You could select who had the best quality, price and services. It would not be dictated by who had the specific content you wanted to watch. But alas, that is the whole point of exclusive content. They want to have a monopoly on that

I always thought that question was mighty personal. One thing for your mom to be crying for a grandchild, or a close friend bringing up kids as part of their own plans on the subject. I always thought it was a little rude to be talking to someone casually about their life planning. It is one thing to ask if they bring

I disagree. Maybe it is naive but my understanding (which could also be flawed) is that beating some illness (like cancer) is influenced or even predisposed on the work a patient puts into the therapy. They have to not only be willing but have the emotional and supportive strength to work hard, put up with adversity,