
Think you mean “will take credit for”

Yes, it was moving in the oncoming far right lane and it’s motion corresponded to the truck it hit in such way that to the observer, it was continuously obscured. Think you can see a blip of the car in front of the truck in the first few frames of the clip.

I get why folks want inspections. When they are state run and don’t actually repair the vehicle, they do not have incentive to fail you. It is the ones that are done at a mechanic shop that have a huge incentive to fail you that bother me. And in the end, even when you have inspections and are supposed to do things

It is because most things that are expressed in medical or scientific contexts are expressed in metric, grams in this case. However if you wanted to change body weight to metric, then you would need to explain how much your weight equaled in kilos. Conversely, they could say you need so many lbs of protein to for your

Completely agree. Be 10x easier just to strike the two match sticks together to light them, if that is truly all you had. And you would not need this rubber band.

Great story. I hope he did not try to interrupt you from asking for even more. I am sure he was just being humorous. If I was hiring anyone, and agreed to a higher sum that they asked for, and then they asked for even more, I would take back all my offers and show them the door. That shows they don’t know what they

That sounded very smart to me. Unless you cannot live off those rates, or are simply want to leave anyway, asking for even a paltry increase (...make it an even $20) is a good tactic. You don’t look greedy, but come off as knowing your value and pushing for a bit more. It was also good not volunteering any info

You don’t need leverage. If you are trying to demand a higher salary, then yes, you will need some leverage. There is nothing wrong with saying that your skills are in demand. If you have experience from another employer, list the things how you improved that companies productivity, products, etc. You are not

Yes. I have negotiated my salary. Even if the increase is relatively minor, it can add up over time. For me, it increased me from one bracket to the next for stock options. I also received a promotion and annual performance increases, so all that contributed. Even a marginally higher starting point means that your

Good Stuff. Penn & Teller did a Bullshit segment on this as well. I looked for the segment online, but don’t think it is available, but I do have it on DVD. ;)

I wish I had the patience to learn and to actually code. There are so many times a relatively simple app would be nice to make and I do not have the talent to make it.

Agreed. There are some concepts that are in the realm of possibility here. One. Moving from biological medium for life to a silicon or artificial medium, (i.e. Androids with human consciousness). That would make it easier to travel right there. The Second would be quantum entanglement. There is promising research

I traveled through time too. We all travel through time. We are travelling through time right now.

Do they already have laws to prosecute someone who causes a an automotive crash? I don’t know... but it seems redundant to add another criminal penalty to something that can already be prosecuted. People like OT mod cars now too. This seems a little knee jerk. People got scared that their cars could be hacked and

I am all for a new A-10. I worked on them in Desert Storm and they were a pleasure to work on as much as air based power house. They were widely feared by the enemy and loved by our forces. A more modern version of the same plane, updated sensors and avionics, updated engines, fixes for any remaining shortcomings in

I hear ya. That would be an absurd system for anyone else, but for top level execs, it is common place. If I do not perform as promised or suck at my job, I don’t get years of salary to leave.

That is pretty cool

We really need some standardized way to express charges, promotional pricing, bandwidth caps, etc. so that folks CAN accurately compare services and pricing. I think they did something like this to the credit card and banking companies.

I did not know Charter and Time Warner competed in the same markets today? What they don’t... then how is this changing anything but who’s letterhead is at the top of your bill? Cable companies have been consolidating for decades. If you want to have more broadband choices, talk to your state and federal

It seems (at a high level) conceptually reasonable. I am not so sure about how these ‘intelligences’ are broken down though. I believe there has been plenty of studies on how people ‘learn’ new skills. Much of this probably plays into some of this theory. To me it is building on already understood knowledge. Not that