
The problem is that he is one of the strongest in a very female tropey way. He is a pacifist, but when pushed to act he implied to be quite strong. Making his brother female would have been a safer change.

Inclusiveness seems like a really cheap excuse when you picked an already androgynous looking character to do it. If you’re gonna try that, make Taurus a woman. Go big or go home.

We’re sort of dancing around it, but maybe we should say it.

If they wanted to do that, they should have made the main character female. Changing the male character who wore PINK armor into female is a bit too on the nose and while i dont know the series, I feel lessons the characters impact as they made a character “girly” because of design instead of doing it for the


Exactly! This isn’t about inclusion though its in its name, its about ease and getting plaudits for being inclusive. Seriously had they gender swaped Seiya himself that would have been something interesting, but no its Shun... It shows a fundamental misunderstanding of the property. That is why people are angry.

2018 and we’re still using the “pink has to be feminine” trope.

It’s not really the same issue here.

Such a wrong character to gender swap. This comes off like when they edited old anime like Sailor Moon to make characters cousins to make them “less offensive”. “Hey, lets take the feminine male character that breaks stereotypes of its time and make the character a female.”

Oh I raged about this last weekend so I’m not going to rage here.

Watch them blow everyone's minds and have Andromeda be revealed as trans.

“Again, I get that Shun was seen as a great male role model, but, well, we *do* already have a lot of great male role models bobbing about in media, so I find it hard to see this as a huge loss.”

Thing is, turning one of the few non-macho male characters that’s not framed as evil into what’s esentially a token woman is the MOST backwards way to go about it.

The major issue is in many ways in the name of inclusion they change the one character who was already inclusive. So instead of having a sensitive and multifaceted male character who breaks expectations (that still exists in this genre) we’re now going to have a pointless controversy with none of what made that

The funny thing is that when I was a kid I always thought Shun was gay. I frankly didn’t mind, I thought he was incredibly cool, and in my mind it made Saint Seiya incredibly progressist for its time. So in 2018, making him a woman, actually feels like a major step backward...

Israel is literally a colonial power that stole the land and kicked hundreds of thousands of Palestinians from their homeland.

JK Rowling has drawn her own illustrations of the characters and depicted Hermione as white since Day 1. Casting a black woman in an adaptation is fine, but saying that Hermione was NEVER explicitly white is pretty disingenuous considering that is how JK drew her and also approved of every other visual representation

Exacto un consumidor de productos puede quejarse o hacer algo tan simple como no ir a los cines. Es un derecho. Por Dios , Disney parece una dictadura que se dio cuenta que halla afuera hay gente libre pensante.

Yo no tenia duda alguna, me gustaba tal y como estaba, tenia esos poderes y ya esta, la fuerza la guió en mi interpretación, ¿quienes somos nosotros para entender la fuerza?. xD

Pretty nice of Family Guy to allow the content they stole from another user to be returned to it’s original place. I’m sure they also made sure to send the original content creator a nice check for using their video.... Yeah right, what am I talking about.