
I think Boyega might do Lego, because Lego is wholesome and respectful; but who knows, since Disney is garbage

And thus, Lego Star Wars continues to be the best version of Star Wars

I considered that! If Shun turns out to be a trans boy, their sins would not be forgiven, but I’d be fine. If Shun turns out to be a trans girl, I’d be mad because it’s back to square one

Learn to read. Everyone in this thread is calling for changing literally anyone else, some particularly optimistic ones for Seiya to be a woman (yeah, like Netflix’s gonna do that)

Fanny Rodriguez gets me. But she leaves out the million tired jokes of Shun being a girl or gay and isn’t that hilarious that’s he’s a girly boy? God I feel like Netflix is validating those losers

I want to know what’s the deal with this movie, but at the same time I’m not a horror movie person and the trailers freak me out too much, heck just reading this gives me the chills

Batman v Superman was bad and that didn’t stop Warner Bros from making Justice League as a direct sequel, with the same cast; and Justice League was awful and that still didn’t stop Warner from making more movies in the same universe with most of the same people.

After 1 year I’ve come to realize The Last Jedi isn’t so bad as a movie, but it makes me angry because I feel it’s regressive; the characters of color serve no purpose, all the female characters are secondary to men, the purpoted female protagonist has less character development than the white male noe-nazi villain,

I actually felt bad for Kelly Marie Tran because she was too good for that crappy character.

I still like that part, but I still hate that this movie hates people of color and doesn’t think women are interesting enough unless they’re helping men.

I’m not giving up on Star Wars so easily, there’s still fanfiction

You gotta admit the titular sounds less stupid than “The Russians did it!

Personally I think this section of the fandom is being emphasized to obscure valid criticism of recent Star Wars movies; specially regarding the treatment of characters of color and the casting of white women in lead roles over actresses of color. I mean, look at the headline! Lucasfilm has been alienating talent for

On that headline: That’s not what he said, and it’s not true. What pushed talent out of Star Wars was excessive executive meddling, not the fans; folks were avoiding SW before the TLJ deblace started; and notice that franchises like Star Wars have no problem getting interesting directors, and how the most successful

Ese titular ni siquiera es cierto, porque Marvel no tiene problemas para conseguir talento y lo que ahuyento a los directores fueron los despidos y el control excesivo de los productores.

Lo bueno de esos titulares clickbait es que puedo criticar al periodista: Mangold no dice nada de eso y aparte es una mentira; el talento estaba huyendo de SW desde antes de The Last Jedi por todos los despidos y control creativo por parte de los productores, además de que Lucasfilm con todo el cuento de la diversidad

Oh wow another white brunette how original!

I am so done with white people. Yay another girl in the cast! But why so white? Why is everyone white? Why is every woman in Star Wars white?

Okay, but is the Second Season worth watching?

I have, many questions about this show; specially your god. But everything sounds awesome