
"Fornication Station, what's your vibration?"

It's even funnier if you imagine a little "whoop" sound every time they change color...

A friend of mine once owned a pre-school specialty boutique toy store, where he purchased a dozen "cuddle fish" for his stock from a buyer. They turned out to be rubber cuttlefish, which looked kinda like a rubber chile relleno with eyes and tentacles...

So a male cuttlefish sees another male cuttlefish, and switches its appearance to a female cuttlefish. What happens if both male cuttlefish see each other at the same time? Do they both instantaneously switch to female appearance, then back to male appearance when they think the other is female, then back again to

Shhh. Someone might notice!

Seriously. Did he get the idea for that name from watching episodes of "Clone Wars"?

And the awards will be given out at this year's Campbell Conference, here in Lawrence, KS, next weekend!

Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job!

Well, obviously not ratings.

The Engineers were "disciples of the flesh". At some point in their past, they may have had some conflict with machines- self-aware AIs- which they themselves may have created. This war must have been terrible- it led the Engineers to completely abandon mechanical AIs, and so they became masters of biomechanical

Submitted without comment.

Nicely put.

Who were the character cameos? I loved that episode, but didn't realize that was an Easter Egg...

When I was around seven (and already reading at a high-school level), my mother used to read books meant for adults for me, to make sure that there weren't any stories that might be too much for my youthful sensibilities to take, before giving them to me to read. In a collection of sci-fi short stories, she said "You

Not to mention that nasty bout of elephantiasis...

Or maybe there was some sort of benefit or profit for the time travelers- or their political organization/society/world- if the wars happened, so they ensured that those events took place as planned. Something occurring that is good for us isn't necessarily good for everybody.

Want to reuse your old, tired Chuck Norris jokes? Replace "Chuck Norris" with "Agent Coulson".

Baby Tupperware! Don't forget to burp it!

Well played.