
ELO's "Time" was the last 8-track tape I ever purchased. Ahhh, the retro future... Too bad that it puts them out of the running for "Out Of The Blue", even if only for the AWESOME album art...

A friend of mine at Sony Imageworks, who specialized in cutting-edge digital effects, once told me that a producer half-seriously asked if there was any way to digitally "enhance" the chemistry between these two...

Well done.

"How do you feel about that?"

Hey, I've left the coffee cup on top of my car as I've driven away...


Avabis? Abytar?


That would be a "Muppet Centipede".

I've always liked this warning sign, on the Fisher camera dolly. Lets you know who they REALLY care about- those camera dollies are EXPENSIVE!

And their rig was probably a little larger:

"(At left is Alfred's early diagram where he explains how this project will probably end up with a bunch of dead fish.)"

A semiautonomous robot that can throw things and aim something? What could possibly go wrong?

"Why was I created to suffer like this, in flames and fire!? Why!? WHYYYY!??"

Just as long as it's not this guy building it...

Made me think of Edgar the Bug from MIB..

And less-than-useful pages make for good toilet paper, fire-starting material, etc. (Of course, that's what paper currency is better-suited for, post-apocalypso, but the cash is eventually going to run out...)

Thanks. It's not in the natural order of things, for a teacher to outlive his student. Fred turned me on to a great many things, including "Buffy The Vampire Slayer". He was the GTA that helped me calm my class on 9/12/2001. I miss him every day. But I had to share his story, to show that Stephen King (and his people)

I had a grad student and good friend, Fred, who was a BIG Steven King fan- first editions, rare editions, the works. He found out he had cancer in early 2009. I'll let his wife, Regina, tell the rest of the story: