
Jennifer said in the first episode that it wouldn’t be a typical Marvel show. She outright edited her own show to prevent it from turning into the usual bloated ending mess. Honestly it’s great that she was able to use the fourth wall to retcon a season-wide plot.

Yes, this is the guy who we saw pummel the Punisher and Bullseye into Intensive Care but here we see him ... not do anything like that with Kate (you’d think his sneezing would be enough to snap her in half).

It’s a while since I watched the show where the drop from the first half to the second half was as steep as here. The writing was just idiotic, they introduced just random stuff at the last moment and didn’t pay off a single mystery established in the beginning. Like the Rolex because the Tracksuit mafia specifically

Leaving off the DCAU films is an incredible disservice. Mask of the Phantasm is, without a doubt, better than all of these films, and arguably the greatest Batman movie of all time. It is a true masterpiece, introducing a classic character, and bringing in elements of classic stories but varying them in amazing ways.

That’s the part that enrages and baffles me the most (aside from everything else, I honestly can’t decide). You literally hire actors to pretend to feel emotion. There is no reason to force them to actually feel it. There is no fucking reason to make a woman really feel like she’s going to get raped. Talk to her like

As an IT guy, I agree with this assessment. We have more important things to be spending our time on, and using server storage for.

...Now if you’ll excuse me, my coworkers and I are going to go play some minecraft on the server my company isn’t aware it’s hosting...

Can we stop using “pussy” as a word to mean weak though? My vagina has birthed three god damn kids.

I never want to know anything about actors. I like their work. I don’t need to know their life. That ruins it for me.

This is why I don’t buy “he was born in a different time, he can’t help it,”. There were people then who fought for kindness, justice, and respect for everyone. There were also people who were born into that time, absorbed the common values of that time, but realized what they’d been taught was wrong and wanted to be

White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.

I’m not saying Trump isn’t racist! I’m just saying it’s a sad time in history now that racism is generally considered a bad thing.

You’re reading a WoW-related article on, I don’t think you really get to judge someone else’s hobbies, m8.

Oh man I was going to say this was right up there with the one about Martha Kent killing time travelers, and SHE WROTE THAT ONE TOO.

Corrected this for you.

“I found a major flaw in your security that could allow for malicious games to be thrown on steam with no oversight. Not only that, But you ignored my attempts to contact you about it. So I exploited the flaw in a completely safe manner to get your attention. Brought the flaw to your attention

“His penis got diseases from the Chumash Tribe!”

Ill make it quick. Americans speak English, nipponese isn’t a word, the correct term is nihongo but since you dont speak Japanese, just say Japanese.

You see that ad with all those ugly broads repeating my statements?! Not one of them was as bangable as my daughter Ivanka.

No I heard Kevin Conroy’s voice.

Yes, let’s not critically think and write about the media our children consume, let’s just let them blindly watch anything. Sounds like good parenting skills...

I want to hire a lady to follow me around in a wedding dress, accusing everybody I see of “Ruining my wedding day!”