
Aww! I'm giving her fellow ginger Louis CK credit for giving her the idea, even if he didn't really.

I just want to put this out there, for the rest of you who are lovelorn and grieving the end of something that was special to you: A little over two weeks post-breakup, I woke up sad. But somehow, tonight, I find myself just a little excited at the idea that someday I'll have something I never thought I'd have again

Omggggg I DID IT. I asked out the man that I've been pining after for over a year. I finally did it!!!! I'm so proud of myself. He bar tends at the bar I frequent, and we share a few mutual friends. He's tall and built really well, just really solid and strong seeming, like a goddamn oak tree or something. He has long

The absurdity that anyone would long for those days IS the joke.

I have an aunt named Gay, and she is super butch. She is an artist, and a hella excellent human being. She made this painting of an emu called "You wanna piece of me?"


Best of luck with that. It can be hard to get people to see those patterns simply because they don't want to—it's hard to face our own shortcomings.

Upscale hotel in Boston, weekend getaway. I booked a regular room but it was REALLY NICE. Like, a lot nicer than I thought from the pictures and what not. Whatevs. After a lovely dinner, me and my guy are going at it on the king bed I don't remember booking? (*shrug* I'll take it) and mid-moan, mid-thrust, my guy is

You guys: did you not pay attention to the fact that he has shown good behavior for four years now?! In four whole years, he hasn't tortured, killed, chopped up, or fed to dogs a single person. Why aren't we talking about all those dudes in prison he hasn't massacred?

There is a group of skater boys that live in my apartment building. They are probably between the ages of 10 and 15, and 5 or so of them skate together after school every day, frequenting the sidewalks and areas where I walk my dog. My dog is very skittish and gets really scared at the sound or sight of a skateboard.

All clothes are for everyone. All colors are for everyone. Look at the old 1970 Lego ad. The one with the little red haired girl. Look at her clothes. Things weren't always so damned prissy and pepto-bismol for girls. And actually, I would argue HE is the one forcing this little girl into a box and limiting her. Dress

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.'
Isaac Asimov

Not a gif, but this photo series never fails to crack me up.

I laughed out loud so many times. The re-pilot was strong, but episode 2 was incredible.

This is especially hilarious in light of last night's "Community" episode which wondered, "Nicolas Cage — Good or Bad?"

What season? The show has been gone for a year and a half now, so I've been waiting season 4 for a while here.