
I was talking about my national culture, not black culture in general. I couldn't care less. It pisses me off when one of my aunts gets angry that the girl I'm dating (even if she's black) isn't from where I'm from because we don't share a language or culture. Except for the part where, I wasn't brought up in the

I once thought I would grow my beard for science, now I realize that I grow my beard because I am science.

weak and shitty is now weak and weary... did someone tattle tell?

Razbliuto and Anne Rice. This is me right here. Despite Dune being my favorite book of all time, I've actually read Queen of the Damned more times than any other books in my life. Now I can't even look at her name without feeling a deep well of... boredom.

The other comments forgot the #corrections tag. "After Earth" should apparently be "Another Earth"

That makes perfect sense.

I always joke about that with my friends. many white folk don't age very well. black folk are perceived to age very gracefully, and if my father is any indication, I'm going to look AMAZING in my 60s.

Somewhat unrelated, as a black man, I've heard the phrase "I've never actually been with a black guy before." The statement might be objectively true, but the moment I hear it, it turns me off because I feel like I'm dating a tourist. I'm dating someone who's into the novelty and there are probably preconceived

My question is, why has it become a trope? Why do we allow it? (I acknowledge that it wasn't the name in this instance, just a description). It seems like one of those opportunities to show not tell. I agree. They are denoting that it's been rebuilt. But I think good story tellers can show us that without the name.

When I mentioned Tokyo, I meant the real city. Not fictional city.

London has been ashes at least once (probably more) and rubble a number of times, but we still don't call it New London. Same thing for Tokyo, especially since after the last rebuilding it barely looked like the same place, it was able to start almost from scratch with a lot of new infrastructure. My point is, and

the recklessness of spending is not a measure of your net worth. A $500 plain white t-shirt might be affordable for a rich celebrity, but it doesn't make it any less stupid... especially when you find out the shirt is made in the same factory as the $4 fruit of the loom at Target (I'm looking at you, David Beckham).

I have to say, I honestly would have disliked DS9 (not as bad as Enterprise, but close) if it wasn't for the Dominion war. The entire Dominion War saga was so good that it carried the entire show.

I have to agree with you there.

Janeway was a pretty awesome Captain. But I got sick and tired of Chakotay's native american shtick by the end of season one... it never stops... all the way to the last season. I think even the spirits of his ancestors got tired of hearing him talk about them.

I don't acknowledge the existence of Enterprise. I wasn't impressed with DS9s finale. In fact I felt the same way about it as I later would with BSGs finale.

I prefer to think of her as my cousin... and I had vile thoughts about my cousin... vile thoughts indeed...

One doesn't get rich by spending uselessly. It's exactly that sort of rational look at cost that helps organizations beat back the tide later.