
1. Outside of Tesla and Space X, what technologies currently excite you and?

Blade and The Joker are hands down my favorite introductions.

I think anyone who voted for winamp needs to try Media Monkey (it even has plugins to make it look like Winamp and can use all the same Winamp tools/add-ons). It's winamp with all the heaviness, slowness, and random weirdness fixed. It's also hands down the most well equipped and powerful media player and organizer.

I see. Makes sense.

Wasn't xkcd already referenced in this? It was my understanding that it was the xkcd post that triggered this. Or was it the other way around? Or were they both triggered by the other one. (I don't have a link right now, I'm on my phone).


I can dig it.

If we don't know what consciousness is, how can we say "that animal is conscious"?

This is indeed my biggest concern. We haven't even nailed down what conscious awareness means but we're deciding other creatures have it. From a philosophical standpoint, without a proper definition, we can't even say for certain that we have it. Beyond our ability to meditate on ourselves.

No, unless you want to. You're no more evil for eating a cow than a wolf is for eating a deer (both conscious). This reminds me of a quote:

I'm going to get beef for this but VOTE: Zune. It's just so smooth and gorgeous on Windows.

I can't hold you, the GOP might have an issue with that (especially if you magically get pregnant which is how they seem to think pregnancy works... by magic). But I can offer you a christian side hug.

Firefly holds the record for me. The moment Wash sat there playing with the tow dinosaurs. Don't know how many minutes, but that moment clicked with me. Though I guess I didn't know I was in love until episode two. With BSG, it was about halfway through "33".

Well then, I probably shouldn't mention Sharon Barnes, Missouri GOP leader, defending Akin by saying God chooses to bless raped women with pregnancy.

It wasn't a funeral service for Anna. They were unveiling a new headstone for her grave.

Pfft! Please. 8 is for rubes. 16 is superior. It's 4, but 4 times

HBO watches you while you sleep.

Hmm... worth it. Not as much fun as the original, but still somehow better than it by some technical measure I can't put my finger on. If you're a fan of Starship Troopers in general, it is definitely worth it. There were thrills, and a few "fuck yeah" moments, and gratuitous animated nudity. Also some of the

I actually just finished watching it five minutes ago.