

*points at yuhuhuhu* BAHAHAHAHAHA!

*points at JoeMamasMustache* BAHAHAHAHAHA!

*Whoosh!* oh look, his comment went right over your head. I'll catch it...

I would transform the mall into a large business park. I wonder why they don't use government subsidies to have the cities settled. Building builds the economy bt so does activity.

Not to worry. We'll be dead soon. Even CNBC has started beating the 2012 drum so it must be true... Bahahahaha. "First in business news"

I approve of this list. Thank you. I trolled people earlier, but I didn't expect people to be so hurt by their love for whatever random sci fi movie not being loved by everyone as much as them. I ended up feeling bad for poking fun at the butthurt.

Max wasn't an assassin... in fact she was pretty damn opposed to killing. I mean, they could have chosen one of the other X-5s who had little remorse in the act. Max even hated guns.


Now playing

Nothing here is what it seems. You are not the plucky hero, the Alliance is not an evil empire, and this is not the grand arena.


Damn it, Lifehacker. You know every time you post a link to something the site goes down. You're like a blessed curse. Though to be honest, it's not a problem I would mind having on my website.

His point is that Microsoft can't have MSE installed by default because of antitrust issues. We have to go get it. And many people have to pay for inferior product because if Microsoft even dreams of telling them better, they'll have to write another fat check to the EU.

The inheritance makes sense to me. I guess it's possible that the diversification happened earlier, but inheritance from dinosaurs seems to fit elegantly without changing the timeline much.


Equilibrium and Fist of the North Star. My two favorites for different reasons.

I missed it. I just discovered this now. I voted on all the others, but this one just slipped under the radar for some reason.

Okay, seriously... I was trolling earlier, but this is kind of sad... *smh* I actually did enjoy Serenity more, but are we voting on the impact on scifi, the impact on respective fandoms (which would make it obviously serenity vs Empire Strikes Back, the two most rabid fanbases out there), the skill of movie-making,