
I thought I was the only one that noticed. The O'Deck just feels... weird and foreign now, like I can't seem to find a spot to fit in anymore. So I mostly lurk. Luckily I'm connected to most of the ones I talked to often on twitter or facebook so I'm not fully removed from everything. And now that i help run

Hahaha. I know right.

*whoosh* I found the weak link. (Someone should have checked the date of the post).

Hahahaha. I just decided to troll these guys. I thought it would be funny to spin some tops. You're absolutely right. What I find hilarious about my trolling is one of the responses above calls me out for imitating the tone these kids have been taking completely missing the satire.

The moment the last death on earth was recorded would probably be the day the last human dies... in a show whose thematic premise is that everyone on earth stops dying. I guess I just don't understand your statement.

I'm not gonna lie. If I hadn't read all the comments first, I would have voted for Blade Runner. But once I saw all the butthurt asshats insulting people for a personal choice and getting emotional over an internet poll, I decided to vote for Serenity. I already enjoy the movie. Not as great as Blade Runner, but if

Sometimes. Even a different name at times to match cultural differences. for example Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone vs Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (an item slightly less understood here). There are also nagging differences in spelling that throw some people off. Occasionally, depending on the type

Was I the only one who felt a deja vu at this idea? I feel like I already knew this. I even think I remember Richard Dawkins in a presentation, many years ago, explaining how sometimes the fittest doesn't survive because the whole system is just against it. But I think he was referring to it in the form of reciprocity

How did Whack to the future become a FUCKING CLASSIC! Ugh.

For the love of all that is holy, I understand she is growing older but will she never age?

"PC users have no idea what's going on on Mac" really? And Mac users just have all the answers about PC and Linux, right? Shut up. I run Mac, PC and Linux. I use Firefox on both Mac and Linux, Chrome on PC. My primary systems are PC (for gaming) and Linux (for work), the MBP is for when I have nothing important to do.

Worse than you can possibly imagine. I hear it's passable on Macs, but on PC... no... just no...


The wings are huge, their bones are hollow, their entire biology is modified to make it possible (for example they have a sack/pocket of air besides their lungs, for breathing at high altitude), extremely high metabolism, high resting heart rate, no bladder, and a number of other things. They were bred, not modified.


I was hoping someone would break it down like that. Thank you. I have a friend who has seen it so far and is not at all impressed. Even though people keep trying to sell it (and I used to buy it) that this was Shangri-la, but his descriptions were not as advertised.

This... can't be serious. People actually think and act like that? Maybe it's because my school never had "proper" fraternities, but I always thought this sort of horseshit was only in the movies. It was funny then - an overblown caricature of frat culture - but thinking this shit really happens or is thought? I wish

I think the Spiderman porn just got its new origin story.