
Sliced bread is the greatest thing since Dune.

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Precisely. And let's not forget that we can actually manufacture diamonds. People may put a high premium on natural diamonds, but this gives us an excellent opportunity to use that technology and achieve scale. Surely the Diamond cartels can achieve far greater profitability with that sort of mass adoption.

Precisely. And let's not forget that we can actually manufacture diamonds. People may put a high premium on natural diamonds, but this gives us an excellent opportunity to use that technology and achieve scale.

"does David represent mankind's last hope or something else?" I think the answer to that would seem evident...

Besides being terribly awkward looking, this seems rather unhygienic. I don't want you making out with my wii-mote... no wait... wait... scratch that. You go ahead and put your lips all over my wii-mote.

Holy wall of text Batman.

They are calling back. When word gets sent to stop in a low visibility environment like that, what they were doing was passing on information (yelling back, not yelling in general). "Relax, it's just a dog" otherwise the people in the back don't know what's going on, someone gets spooked and opens fire, accidents

I always just wondered why god hates me so much that he won't let me enjoy my dessert.

We were debating? I thought you were just whining about the internet. Internet is serious business. Alright, let's "debate" some more. Tell me how tragic this all is and how betrayed you've been by Gawker.

So people are going to just keep whining despite... oh never mind. Just let it go, or stop coming back. *sigh* It's not that crucial.

It was funny, but one thing really pissed me off but only in general. This generally pisses me off about people who don't know Doctor Who and don't bother to look it up before opening their mouths. We always get these little Bill and Ted jokes about the TARDIS. The whole, Doctor Who travels through time like Bill and

Hugest Firefly fan on the planet and I can't get behind this. Let it go. Firefly is a hundred million times the legend it could have been because of the cancellation. This whole thing is just getting childish now. We fans would impose the same prison on Joss that Star Wars fiends imposed on George Lucas (I'm convinced

How does a $600 entry level contradict "no $500 model"? I'm a little rusty on my number theory, but I seem to notice a $100 premium on the cheapest Xoom to the cheapest iPad...

All gawker sites are the only place on the internet that all my browsers can't watch videos. I can watch the youtube ones, but whatever type that is in this article is beyond me. Since a week or so before the switch. I have the latest flash, tried it on all my browsers (Chrome, Chromium, FF, IE9, Opera... I have a

What are they going to tell us when we finally understand them? Duh. "So long and thanks for all the fish."

It actually looks like they can see the camera and are looking at it.

Yes, because leaving babies unattended in their strollers in a generally safe country is in anyway the same as leaving a baby locked in a hot vehicle where it will die from heat stroke or dehydration if left too long... an event that is far too frequent in the States already.

I think you're reading too much into what was clearly meant as mockery. I would almost say the first sentence was sarcasm.