
I've read Atlas Shrugged and even I didn't know what the f*ck was going on in that trailer. What? Dare I... *shrug*?

Most of the Rand worshipers don't seem to realize that Ayn Rand was an Atheist and found the idea of faith detestable. It goes against the whole philosophy she created. Faith undermines objectivism (it goes both ways). But as is typical with sycophants, no one ever pays attention, and when they look beneath the

I'll give that a go.

I'll try that.

I can never watch any videos on io9 unless it's a youtube video. They just don't play. (This started just before the switch to the new look). Pretty much, except for youtube videos, io9 has become a place where I see pictures with "play" buttons that do nothing. I abide. Love io9 too much to have a conniption over

I would have killed them while they were still drawing pixies symbols in the sky.

So... a self-playing monopoly that I just get to watch? SO nothing changes for me then.

I solve my problem of starting a day in a bad way by not going to sleep. Incidentally, It's been a bad 5 years instead.

Yeah, I figured. That convo got me to try and rip it just to see what happens and there were errors on it. But I already have the HD digital copy so I'm square. I used to use the video as my desktop background (you can do that with VLC) but it chewed up too many resources.

@ProudGeek: One word. The dvd was free, I've already watched it, and I'm wondering if anyone who had the dvd noticed that issue. I already have a digital copy of it.

I have this on dvd in glorious quality... none of the controls work. You can't stop it till it's done, you can only switch off the dvd player. And when you come back, you start from scratch, no skipping ahead. I don't know what could be causing that but it pisses me off. I felt like I was being guilt tripped into

Hey guys, look at me! I'm tricking on a friggin stool. And when I want to go from point A to Point B, I carry it and walk... then I have a place to sit after.


The future sucks.

"You need to read the manifesto to get the full impact of the argument, but the short version is that the area of a circle has a natural factor of a half that disappears when using pi."

*sigh* You sound like me just a few weeks ago. And please don't ask rhetorical questions. You don't actually care if I've watched her, you just care that I'm wrong. You know all those people who screw up online polls to make River Tam the winner of any scifi battles? I was one of those. I've had our girl's back from

Orwell questions? Wait, so you mean there are secrets about her that the inept writing haven't already revealed since the first episode? I can only watch this show with my brain switched off and accepting it for what it is. But at some point my brain has to be switched back on and this show and Summer Glau can burn in

@Ari Schwartz: That's cool, we're not friends, I don't have to hear you pronounce it daily, and I don't mind people saying "fine that's correct, but I like it this way." That's admirable, that's how languages evolve. I say "all y'all" despite that being retarded when you think about it, but I know it's wrong.

@falkon: Yes, because the inventor of a word has the right to its pronunciation. Socially correct my ass. Just because you've been wrong about something doesn't mean you have to be bitter, just correct it. hahaha.

@themightyspitz: Actually /b/tards don't know what memes are and how to pronounce them because those stupid things aren't memes. but *shrugs*