What is supposed to be the point (both of his show and this article)?
What is supposed to be the point (both of his show and this article)?
It's like Fight Club. Middle class white dude angsty about having nothing to complain about.
I'm shocked. Three pullups is really nothing. Not for someone who is supposed to be in peak physical condition.
I've heard the same argument used to defend Mad Men. And you know what? I don't buy it.
In other words, minimum wage is the same for both genders.
The ugliness of that outfit is beyond what simple words can convey.
Did you get a license to distribute that information?
While I don't want to defend what this guy posted (since when does the amount of money spent figure into the value of a relationship, unless she's a prostitute), buried deep inside there is a point.
6%? That number is so low!
The Tesla Motors IPO was $230 million in 2010.
Makes sense. The point of the pictures is so that you don't use your brain to remember it. The photos do it for you. That's the reasoning I use when I take a picture. It's of things I don't think I'll remember.
I'm excited that Wonder Woman is going to have a part in the movie. I'll wait until after the reviews come in to decide whether it's worth seeing. I don't know what delirium I was in when I decided it was a good idea to see Sucker Punch, but I won't make that mistake twice.
Hold on. Single Ladies is not sexist? How? Seriously?
My wife and I were boring even before we got married. It made sense to do the ritual, just so that our more lively friends would stop bugging us to go out more.
I've been to 5 weddings in my entire life (I'm 30) and 4 of those were my family, including my own. Maybe I just don't have that many friends who are getting married or who have weddings big enough to include me.
Speaking as someone who proposed during this Thanksgiving to Valentine's day stretch, there were very real practical reasons for choosing that time of the year.
For you, the difference between no drug and drug is very significant. For someone who doesn't have ADD, the benefit of the drug is less noticeable, but it is still there. If you think of ADD as more of a gradient of ADD-ness rather than an on/off state, then many people suffer from mild ADD.
My wedding was a little over a year ago. The venue we chose books events for the day, to remove the whole pressure of morning/evening parties.
Before the article descended into a weird useless rant about post-Aderall society, there were some good points raised.