Every Leader Of The Japanese PGA Is Resigning In A Yakuza Scandal
Every Leader Of The Japanese PGA Is Resigning In A Yakuza Scandal
South Carolina Cock Games.
That would be the $7K insurance policy they took out on the promo. Small hit to the bottom line, in return for a huge media upspike because it actually worked out.
Hygienist: Hasheem, how often do you floss?
My favorite feature of the Gingerbread Estate is how all of the gingerbread women hold their purses tightly if you add a chocolate cookie to the set
"I dream of rain, Lotu lei lei"- Sting
He's still got a left hand, after all.
He put a ball in the junk with a bad swing. Are we sure this isn't a subtle tribute to Seve?
Cleeland was clubbed in the face by a sock filled with coins, coins that free-agent linebacker Andre Royal had spent all day collecting from teammates.
I can see where this guy is coming from with this "honorary black guy" stuff though.
So it's not blood, it's just these colors running.
Doctor: Well, Ryan, it looks like you tore your MCL and sprained your ACL.
I think you're supposed to follow her on Twitter.
When Samson lost his hair, he lost the thing that made him Samson. Makes me worry that Iman will no longer be able to dribble around for 15 seconds before taking an ill-advised, contested 18-footer.
I'd go back and pull out specific threats, but it's really a diarrhea-stream-of-consciousness in there.
I see you're the type that would PANDA to Brutus' tastes, eh?
Bear: [stares at balloons]
I also heard Cardinals fans make better lovers than Dodgers fans because they get so much practice on themselves.