Magic Mike

I'm pretty sure he looked at the bridge and though to himself "Challenge Accepted."

Number 2 Driver?? He would be #2 the same way Senna was to Prost, that is #1

G+ serves a different purpose than FB. On FB you keep up with your existing friends. You can do that on G+ as well but the main draw, to me, is being able to connect with others who share similar interests. I have mad many new friends on G+ and the quality of engagement is much better than on FB. It would be nice

So are we taking bets to see which one of us will get the high score? I'll take a run at it on the Belt or Northern State at night. Do we get more points for daytime hooning?

Dean Winchester agrees with you

We do not speak of this concoction. It doesn't exist.

I have always been partial to Gulf and Martini liveries.

That is a Caribbean music artist dancing on stage with a fan. He might have "dagger-ed" her a little too enthusiastically. lol


Definitely different LMP classes in both Le Mans and ALMS. Cory is right. this year the LMP classes will have great competition. I will miss those beautiful Peugeot's though. AUDI!!!

Yessir..camping at the Travel Destination Site at the Porsche Curves

AWESOME there is a shot! Thanks for clarifying that for me

If this happens I might consider visiting NJ for something other than Giants games. There is a regulation preventing 2 races a year for one country isn't there? I'm not sure.

You don't realize how good you have it down there. I lived in atl from 2001 to 2008. The pothole situation down there would be considered a 100% improvement in NYC lol. We don't have potholes, we have cauldron holes. I can't wait to move back

Slickdeals did not inform about this deal...grrrrr

This MV is pure sex on two wheels

I got my girlfriend hooked in this order:

Probably, but then again, diarrhea was better than Skyline

We have some of these in Georgia. A poor old lady was on the news for getting lost while driving on the new roudabout. She was on it for 20 mins trying to figure out which one to get off at. Poor thing. To her credit is was dark and there were no streetlights. They do make great spots for drifting on a bike!