
Whoever is giving her this quilling egg should be giving her a pysanka egg, she’s a slav, and pysanka can be used to trap evil spirits inside, then the next thing you know, everyone in the administration is trapped inside a hollow egg shell for all eternity. 

the most annoying thing about anti-abortion activists is the way they completely ignore the reasons women get abortions--like I get that sitting on a high horse and judging people is easy (even though it is not what Jesus would have done) but if you want less abortions you have to provide better sex ed, effective

Pish posh, I’m sure there are plenty of Christian rock bands ready to supply a soundtrack and full score. Bonus: the music would have been just about as good as the movie.

Well, to be fair, if she had gotten an abortion, the movie would have been 10 minutes long.

Judging by the comments about it I’ve seen from people who saw it in my FB feed, it’s supposed to make people who already don’t like abortion feel really smug about being on “the right side” of the issue.

I have seen this elsewhere. They are definitely pushing this narrative, and it doesn’t make a lick of sense. For those who are having trouble leaving any industry, may I suggest trying one of the following:

I was like, “HOW BIG IS HER UTERUS.” 

“Asked for help leaving the industry”

I came here to say the same thing. I’m a women’s health advocate (at work and in my personal life), and if you don’t want to work at an abortion clinic, you don’t have to. My OBGYN bounced between providers that did and didn’t perform abortions because that was the natural course of her career.

It’s funny because if you look closely, this is actually a movie about someone realizing they can make a shit ton more money tricking dumbass Christians into buying terrible books and seeing even worse movies. 

When Johnson has reached her limit—when she sees the fetus trying to outrun an abortion—she seeks out the organization behind the protesters.”

he claimed 94 clinic workers had, after watching the movie, reached out asking for help leaving the industry

Or about sex education and contraception, which can help prevent the abortions that they hate so much.

To answer the question posed by the title of this article, “what is an anti-abortion movie supposed to do”....

Or about care for babies after they leave the womb and are in the real world with parents that cant afford food, housing ect.

So this Abby story is pretty suspect/interesting:

Jameela Jamil will NOT back down on talking about fake weight loss teas, OK???

Is there any evidence of actual modeling gigs? Nope. Just nudie pics that Don the con paid for.

Is Hilaria trying to promote a discussion about miscarriage or promoting herself?  

That wedding must have been so magical. Especially that moment when Donald took Melania by the hand, looked her in the eye, and said, “I’ll take this one.”