o my god my heart is breaking for that raccoon
o my god my heart is breaking for that raccoon
Crime shows came way before green drinks, as fads go.
If we were meant to branch out we’d have branches. If we were meant to leave we would have leaves. If we were meant to bark we would have bark.
Shut up, Igloo.
Ladies, if the guy you’re dating lists one of his hobbies as “militia”: DEALBREAKER.
It’s amazing. Liberals get accused ALL THE TIME of manufacturing outrage. These people are acting like they want to start a civil war because some guys duly convicted by a jury of arson will have to serve the legally mandated sentence for that crime. Christ.
Hi. Why do you continue to refer to them as “Armed militia”? They are white men armed to the teeth and have taken over government property. Illegally. They are not a “militia” and you, and everyone, knows this bit of information. What is the guideline you are following that requires (?) you to refer to them with that…
Whenever I check in with the gun-toting nuts on my Facebook feed, their posts are all centered around the idea that gun owners are extremely responsible and competent individuals. After all, they know the technical difference between a rifle and and assault rifle, so only their opinions are valid, right? They know how…
It wouldn’t surprise me. I moved to Dallas a couple years ago for work, and this city is full of aggressively incompetent drivers. Early on I honked at a driver who dangerously cut me off on the highway, and the guy spent the next two miles switching lanes all around me so he could flip me off from every direction. If…
The person at far left deserves to drown for recording in portrait mode.
Can we just put him in a cage with Rhonda Rousey and let her beat his ass into a pulp already? I'd pay per view that shit...
Just last week I had a conversation with a friend who said it wasn't really fair that Chris Brown still cops crap from having beaten Rihanna. I am sending him this link.
Or the ones who say we need to forgive him for beating Rihanna, cause she has... never mind all the times he has been violent since. Anger management clearly didn’t take with this one.
Well, let’s hear the people who think that taking a photo rates a punch in the eye....
Lets all spend an enormous amount of money investigating how a corporation as old as Blue Bell would be motivated to prioritize something else over the safety of their product.