and that the court should protect her from “unnecessary harassment” by limiting the scope of the subpoena.
and that the court should protect her from “unnecessary harassment” by limiting the scope of the subpoena.
“You see, US Weekly, when two rich bored teens feel their Instagram numbers slipping, they give each other a special hug.”
You know what great injustice is? THIS is great injustice.
at least Futurama did it right
I completely understand that this must feel incredibly shitty for Gutierrez, and I actually agree with her that the way the organization handled it was weirdly incompetent, but am I the only person who feels like she could be, I dunno, more gracious and good-humored about the whole thing? I mean, no one ‘took your…
Personally I find it odd that so far every single Miss Universe has come from Earth.
Of all the great injustices in the world this does not even scrape the top 1000. Kanyes new song is arguably a greater injustice.
Thank you. I feel like there might have been a third person involved??
It’s convenient that Kendall and Harry get caught canoodling right when he has an album out and she’s had multiple tabloids saying she’s gay. I’m not a conspiracy theorist about celebrity relationships, but the timing here is interesting.
My thoughts exactly. How are those legs attached?? I don't get it.
they shell be known as Hairy KenDall
Who’s ass is that??? I’m confused by the bodily positioning here. I want to say it’s doesn’t seem like a person could bend their back that way?
Michael Cera, Lindsay Lohan, Woody Allen, and John Burnham walk into a bar...
Permanent grey here (and only my third comment), but this was perfect timing for a need to vent. So my question is, how do you deal with a completely sucky new years eve?
Hi, I’m not Sarah McLachlan.
Which couple makes you shudder in disgust more? Katy Perry and John Mayer or Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton?
Those are hideous.
Jesus Christ. Urban Outfitters is such a scummy business. They sold a fucking “Smudge Kit” for $50.
Alternatively, if this is the system ‘working’, the system is probably broken.
Remember, everybody. He’s the “smart” one.