I’ll take “OLD AS FUCK” for 500, Alex.
I’ll take “OLD AS FUCK” for 500, Alex.
No, no, a big bucket of no. Can we please have some fresh candidates who are untainted by their baggage from 2016 and who aren’t two thousand year old white men? We are not going to win with Bernie. He needs to sit the fuck down.
Maybe she should have gone with ‘Drink more Ovaltine’ instead.
Double dads
Still the best dad
I really wish they would have gone for higher framerate in the PS4 Pro patch.
There are so many levels of irony here that I officially don’t understand any of it. Someone do a translation for a befuddled non-American?
They’re a fun inclusion, but the fact that they cost 10 in game credits on each playthrough is a bit much. If they were one-time unlocks they’d be better.
then you’ll also need 5GB of memory per save file.
Jesus Christ, Joel!
It’s like whats even the hook of the trailer. I don’t know it’s Ellie and don’t understand the point if it isn’t. I don’t get why they chose this specfic scene and setup for a trailer. It’s well made but everything is revolting and not in a morbid curiosity way. I know Naughty Dog can deliver better
Really hoping they don’t change a thing because I absolutely love the gameplay and found it to be one of the most immersive steath games I’ve ever played.
Can’t be Ellie. In the first trailer she had a tattoo running down the length of her right arm. This woman does not have that.
“Seriously, a woman in a noose props herself up on another unfortunate woman who gets a hatchet buried in her head.”
I’m hoping the actual game isn’t this constant dark. The first’s real dark part of the Winter chapter was balanced out by the start of Salt Lake City with the Giraffe scene while the even more dark Wolfenstein 2 balances out the even more dark stuff with lots of levity too.
its not metal gear without kojima. easy to ignore if you can remember that.
It was like a match made in heaven. Unapologetic badassery and fanservice from P+ (equal opportunity butts) And and social commentary via speculative fiction from KojiPro (also with equal opportunity butts.)
It’s a dick move to use your personal money for whatever you want?
Kojima created his studio after he got booted from Konami, though.
Fahey w/ the Burn! I bet he’s grumpy that the Arby’s Venison sandwich is already gone. j/k