
I hate all these Originals. It’s a bad sign for the (to this point) the best alternative to cable that most of them will not make it past 1 or 2 seasons. They are doing way too much and spreading too thin. They are bleeding money and raising prices for 8/10 shows being mediocre to bad. If people start leaving, shitty

Another option: Speedrun Vs Super Mario Bros!


Japanese portmanteau for a beating heart

The problem is when you bump into one of the waitresses they all go flying everywhere.

I remember when Orange Box came out. I was a Junior in college. I am now 31 with two children.

10 years. 1 decade. 1/10th of a century. That’s how long the sad nerdgins have been sucking off “Lord GabeN” and finding some way to squeak, “HALF-LIFE 3 CONFIRMED!” into every damn Reddit post, appropos of nothing, completely forgiving the fact that the corpulent fat fucking liar, Gabe Newell, hasn’t even bothered to

Better just stop buying games altogether to be completely safe.

The gameplay is worth it.

Blood, Eat, Love - How I Found My Outer Warrior and My Inner Lover, by Jasmyn Scoobydoo.

This was quite a journey!

This was quite a journey!

seperates the AA men from the AAA boys. Chasing studs down hills is still an annoyance

Is it possible this girl called him a fucking idiot for referring to her as a “young man” and not anything to do with it being infowars?

The motion sensor happens on a dedicated chip, and consumes far less power than a screen or CCD.

A few things:

They fooled the bots alright and fooled everyone else who had signed up for their useless in-stock alerts and was expecting some sort of notice. Meh.

I looked at Google images of this, and while I did find one comparison that looked weird, I couldn’t find any others that backed that up, and it seems to be a one-off in bad lighting. She looks pretty consistent throughout the series - I don’t get what you’re talking about at all.

Is it cool cause u can take it to all those rooftop parties 🤔😂

Did it really take them this long to realize no one ever stopped calling it, and never would?

I have a coworker who plays on his PS4 on the weekend, and it’s not unusual to ask him on Friday what he’s got planned to hear him reply “I’m going to fight robot dinosaurs.”