
Well, all you know for sure is that it was returned. Sometimes it was broken, they fixed it and now they’re reselling it. Sometimes it was broken and they’re just reselling it unfixed with fingers crossed (I got one of those the other day from Amazon Warehouse Deals). Sometimes it was returned even though it wasn’t

Well, all you know for sure is that it was returned. Sometimes it was broken, they fixed it and now they’re

I hate to be That Guy but Apple’s Airport line of routers have always been configured via computer/tablet/phone app. It’s been available for years on Windows, Mac and iPhone (no Android app though AFAIK). I have used Airport Extreme routers for quite some time and I’m very pleased with them.

I hate to be That Guy but Apple’s Airport line of routers have always been configured via computer/tablet/phone app.

There’s backstory to Space Cadet, if you’re interested. Microsoft licensed the game; the collision detection broke when Windows went 64-bit, and no one at MS could understand the code in order to fix it.…

MGS:GZ stands alone pretty well. It is early in the series’ chronology and it doesn’t rely on knowledge of any prior events.

A lot of them are off-the-shelf PC hardware these days. It's very inexpensive and it's more than enough horsepower for most arcade games.

Looks like this is sold out.

Looks like this is sold out.

Most of the benefits of 802.11ac are over very short distances. The maximum throughput is insane, but only for unobstructed short range transmissions.

Most of the benefits of 802.11ac are over very short distances. The maximum throughput is insane, but only for

I’d say 8GB is a reasonable minimum in a machine today, but you wouldn’t want any less than that in a primary machine. My Mac used to be a 4GB machine and I was hitting the limit all the time in normal usage, and then performance would crawl. For a machine that isn't expandable after the fact, I'm not sure I'd want to

I’d say 8GB is a reasonable minimum in a machine today, but you wouldn’t want any less than that in a primary

Depth of field effects? I don’t see any DOF here at all.

Yeah, I think it's worth $20 without reservation. It's definitely short, and an easy platinum—play on Hard if you want a little more time with the game. The graphics are basically unparalleled on PS4 and the story is okay.

Yeah, I think it's worth $20 without reservation. It's definitely short, and an easy platinum—play on Hard if you

I just replayed Sonic 1 the other day. After Green Hill zone, there honestly isn’t that much speeding through of levels. It’s a lot of standard Mario-esque platforming and curvy/slanty terrain, with traditional platform gimmicks like blocks to push and underwater areas.

Watch the video when he hits his goal. His reaction is not healthy. I have played lots of games that reward grinding, so I understand where he is coming from, but he’s taken it too far.

I don’t want to star this, but you’re not wrong... :|

I wonder if it’s Android-only because Apple rejected the app. “2.21 Apps that are simply a song or movie should be submitted to the iTunes store. Apps that are simply a book should be submitted to the iBooks Store.”

It’s sort of like the old ones with way derpier physics, a dumb lock-on attack, and poorly designed levels (clearly not play-tested enough; they usually have huge easy stretches followed by a random extremely difficult section).

They already added low-pressure modes to Katamari where they remove the timer and you can just roll forever. It looks and sounds to me like Wattam is just Noby Noby Boy II, which just doesn’t hold any interest for me.

In the campaign, the protagonist’s partner is a female Asian cop. I think if your concern is female representation, they did more than most games.

Did this sell out? I couldn’t get it to work. A bunch of third-party sellers, all going for ~$50, and the coupon code says not valid.

Did this sell out? I couldn’t get it to work. A bunch of third-party sellers, all going for ~$50, and the coupon

One assumes Chun Li would wear some sort of support during a fight. Street fighting while going commando wouldn’t be too smart.