
I’ll be over here with Grace Jones in case y’all wanna hang out.

Raising two kids to not repeat the mistakes we’re seeing today, kids who feel empathy and want to fight to defend what’s right, is the most important job you can do in both the long and short term.

If you jerks ACTUALLY do these then you guys better support Illinois’ succession like the US did France. We’re a blue island in a sea of red, but we don’t want to get dragged down with the rest of them. THEY STILL SMOKE IN BARS IN INDIANA. DON’T LEAVE US ALONE WITH THEM.

The only man I want to see dance in an all white outfit:

On the other hand, superfund sites are tremendously polluted and cause residents nearby to suffer from debilitating and often terminal diseases!

I mean, folks that live in or near superfunds are taxpayers too, but yeah the federal budget.

Some kids stab people. Most, I assume, don’t stab people. We just kind of have to put a stop to the whole “kids” thing until we really figure out what’s going on.

You’ll be able to tell they’re AmeriTrump Police Officers because of their shiny gold uniforms. From the tips of their toes, to the hat on their head. Everything, holster to weapon, all shiny, beautiful gold. No one will resist arrests at all because they’ll just want to stare at that beautiful gold police force.

It was a GORGEOUS day to shut down downtown Chicago with love and solidarity. Couldn’t have gone better!

We may not deserve him, but he still seems to like us anyway. When I worked with some of the organizers on the South Side of Chicago who worked with him before he ascended politically, they really speak with glowing praise of the work he did. His work is legend, not because he later became the president, but because

“On January 22, 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its landmark decision in the case of Roe v. Wade, which recognized that the constitutional right to privacy extends to a woman’s right to make her own personal medical decisions — including the decision to have an abortion without interference from politicians.”

Oh I get it now! It was just a joke! She doesn’t have a very good sense of humor, not actual funny women like his daughter, she just didn’t understand! Hahahahaha now we are ALL laughing! This is very funny! She must be some sort of unfunny, castrating bitch not to understand how funny this very good joke is!

If Queen Latifah were to treat a reboot of Living Single the way Amy Poehler treats Broad City I think everyone would win.

Gettysburg might be a beautiful outdoor setting, but if you’d seen the 51,000 bodies killed there there on July 3, 1863 you might not consider it pleasant either.

I’ve had a Mirena for 9 years total now, with no periods and only the occasional spot or two. So, that’s extremely convenient.

I’m in a medical study for a generic IUD and I was just informed that my study has been extended through 2020. So, WHEW. It’s like an insurance policy against my worst nightmare!

I gotta wonder what the Vegas odds of him surviving the next term, and what the Vegas odds of him being impeached before 2020 are.

Like, they’ve gotta be better than him having a productive and healthy four years, right?

It’s absolutely the Soloman approach though. Obviously neither of these people want that outcome, and having a judge throw that option down on the table is probably going to force them to act like adults and figure out this problem their own damn selves.

There’s a wonderful organization called the Midwest Access Coalition that does exactly what you outlined right there.

The Midwest Access Coalition helps people who need to obtain an abortion, but for whatever reason cannot get on in their home state, travel to Illinois to obtain medical care. Since Illinois is a

I think someone decided that Millennials need to feel something is “authentic” before they’re willing to buy in. These people have “authentic” relationships and that’s why they have diamonds (so we’ve been told).
Their love is “authentic” so they sealed it with a “rare” stone.
I don’t think the marketing team here

I’m 30 and this year started receiving Teen Vogue in the mail. I’m not sure how or why, but I’m so very pleased when it does land in the box.