
Scene: Clark and Lake as my husband and I enter the Green Line car heading south.
We stand and grab the strap. My husband is facing the opposite door and has a full unobstructed view of these two deeply strung out addicts. She is passed out, cigarette hanging from her lips and he has a severely swollen arm, which he

As a constituent you might want to give your local representative’s office a call before you go to DC and set up an in-person meeting. If you feel very strongly about a particular issue, tell them you’d like to meet with a staffer just to speak your mind for five minutes or so.

Cruises are not for me because I do not like the idea of being trapped on a boat with hundreds of other disgusting people. TRAPPED.

As a Chicagoan I find this supremely terrifying.

As a former Girl Scout who frequently attended Boy Scout Jamborees with my dad’s troop: Does this mean I will finally get the Polar Bear Badge I earned in 1996?

I am still waiting. Everyone else got one. Where is mine?

This is why Chicago needs an elected school board.

I spent a solid 10 years in a uniform and to this day I am a grown adult who will not be caught dead in navy trousers, white polos, most plaid skirts and I won’t wear kahkis unless someone is paying me.

She was missing and expected to be alive. In circumstances like that the police will release the name to the public, in the hopes that she can be returned alive to wherever she’s supposed to be.

I’ve known since I was a little kid that I never wanted to be a parent. This has never been a secret. Now I’m a married adult who still knows for sure that she does not want to be a parent, except now that I’m a married adult mom is pressuring me to have one. Her best argument so far is that if my husband and I mixed

I was a kid who very clearly needed therapy, but my parents had no interest in sending me to anyone except a priest they knew who had a psych degree but now teaches math at the Catholic high school I was supposed to transfer to the following year. I wouldn’t go at all if that was my only option, so I didn’t go at all

Same for anyone who tells you all hot people are “stupid, shallow and vapid.” They’re just telling you about themselves.

“I didn’t like NATO but then I told NATO about how bad terrorism is and NATO said they’d look into it and now NATO does stuff about it thanks to me. So NATO is good and we can keep it.”

This is maybe the best comment I’m going to read all day. You sound like my shero.

Yeah, but how’s their peppersteak?

I, a 31 year old, am very pleased to receive a little fashion-y magazine full of articles I want to read and clothes I could theoretically afford.

That’s I think one of the big takeaways from S-Town. The particular burdens that older gays face, compounded by the particularly noxious things that occur in small towns. It’s not a recipe for a healthy, well-adjusted adult.

Counterpoint: Dylan did not ask for this award, he did not seek it, he has a long history of not caring about accolades. Why does he have to fawn all over this one? If he doesn’t give a shit if someone thinks he’s Nobel-worthy, why should he have to perform excitement for getting an award he clearly doesn’t give a

There is no amount of money you could pay me, to make me go through high school again, but with social media.
No amount of money is worth that.

The best part is how she’s all “I made my point.” and just peaces out of the room.

And there’s a Kennedy running for governor of Illinois!