
You are the worst.

Valar morghulis.

And Charles Wang.

Sure! "J-o-o-o-r-b-t-t-p-y-l-a-c-e-p-m-obtanium" for short.

I for one welcome our graphene overlords.

I prefer to think of it as not-yet-obtainium. A few short decades ago, you could've said the same thing about titanium, and now any schmuck can walk into Dick's Sporting Goods and buy a bag full of the stuff to swat at a ball.

Here's the thing about research science: the only way we can find success is by testing out a lot of failures. It's true in material science, it's true in physics, it's extremely true in medicine—where testing 10,000 different compounds might mayyyyyybe lead to the discovery of one cancer-fighter. Shit, it's true in

I was in Augusta a few years back, buddy took me to the gym and told me about him. Sure enough, he was there in the gym. I was about 21 then, and amazed. He looks even better now then he did a few years back. Hats off to Sonny.

wow. he's lying he's only 50. and on roids. Or a cyborg. #scaredandconfused

This is a special level of Crazy, I love it.

God bless Washington, DC, where you're either the Skins, or you're irrelevant. And if you're the Skins, you're still irrelevant.

All these uses for Graphene and not one in the real world. I'm starting to think Graphene is made up so scientists can get more research money.

Watch it, Graphene will be able to prove my conspiracy theory too.

The idea of colonizing anything in the Jovian system is just completely stymied by the radiation. To even move people into an orbit there long enough to transfer them to the planet would be enough to constitute a fatal dose, barring a tremendous (and impractical) amount of shielding. We are talking well upwards of 600

Graphene is the biggest cocktease in all science.

Earth would literally have to be destroyed, cease to exist, before anything in our solar system could provide better living conditions for us.

I'm not surprised Detroit Tigers fans are tuning in to games. It's dangerous outside during the summer.

Next headline: Graphene has attained sentience! And your job, sucker!

So far, the only graphene I've seen in the real world is in the soot of my chimney and my scribblings of pencil lead on paper. :[

Graphene this, Graphene that, blablablablabla. At this point its not a super material, its vapor material if you get my drift.

Of course the magnitude of this storm is in NO way related to the progressive increase in ocean temp. over time. Just like Snowstorm Pax is in no way influenced by the warmer temp of the Gulf waters. What could cause this??????