
Yes, you're the second irrationally angry person to attempt to shame me into submission after I clearly acknowledged lazy research and apologized. Would you like to shoot me through the internet now? Thanks for reminding me that I primarily dislike 2nd amendment nut jobs because they're assholes, and secondarily

I crossed that off decades ago.

Apparently, the liberal media is not just a myth, my bad.

"AR" stands for assault rifle. Does she have a fully automatic rifle? No, but you don't get to call a product marketed as an "assault rifle" something else to water down the argument.

This is the most elaborate humblebrag about going to Sundance that I've ever seen, bravo!

If I looked like Mrs. Tannehill, I would also carry a huge gun. Plus, FLORIDA!

Jack: Hey Coach, I can't see the action. You know I pay an arm and a leg for these seats, how about a little help, please?
Mike B: /ignores


Next up for auction, "Worms Frolicking in Bloody Stool," by an unknown artist out of Cincinnati. Who will start the bidding?

In 1993, there were only two fully intact skeletons recovered and they made up every single thing about that dinosaur in Jurassic Park. At least, according to the crash course in Dilophosaurus facts on the interwebs I've been forced to undergo over the last hour. Which is great, since you people are being proud about

They're way down on the end of the bench, 12th man, easy to miss.

Did you know that there are 2 fossils of Dilophosaurus? The whole world is "uninformed" about it. Insulting people who think movie trivia is actual knowledge is one of the high points of my day. You can consider me chastened for the crime of not knowing enough shit about your favorite fictional story. I have too much

No, I'm not. I don't know dilophosaurus, as obscure dinosaurs from 17 year old movies do not make the cut for relevant facts I need to remember. You people need to stop watching "The Lost World" Director's Cut and go outside once in a while.

Quickly making an "eating Newman" crack was clearly more important to me than looking up dilophosaurus. Feel free to sue me, but this isn't IO9.

Watching his team eat Newman was the former top moment.

I see no Rascal scooters in this picture, therefore, the store cannot actually be a Midwestern Walmart.

I don't have a lack of friends, you have a talent for repeating someone else's suggestion and pretending you just made an original comment. I was very polite to the OP, you can go fuck yourself Miz "I think I'm going to Heaven and you're not."

Repeatedly telling someone to join a cult as a solution to their lack if friends is insulting.

That would discount the fact that I have tried it, and I think it sucks, so fuck off, kthxbye.

This article is an amoral piece if crap.