God King of the Primordium

There was a stretch where I was the only grandchild and thus the go-to flower girl for 5-6 weddings in a short stretch. I'm pretty sure my grandma made all those dresses (she was a maidenform seamstress) and they were all prairie dresses with hats.

There are pictures of me in a bonnet. Because apparently I was having my picture taken before going out to help Pa in the cornfield.

I made these.

She put David Tennant in leather pants, which is possibly the most brilliant move a film could make.

Yep. My grandfather had it when he was young (back in the 20's in rural Virginia) and suffered heart damage. He died at a relatively young age, leaving my grandmother with 4 kids still in the house.


It’s— not great, but it served as a palate-cleanser after the X-files, because Tom Ellis is so hot I completely forget how to brain.

I just got a Marshal stiffy.

Dill Harper Harris believes he is a film critic, and takes issue with Hitchcock’s treatment of the actresses in his movies, particularly his abusive treatment of Tippi Hedren.

The one closing in Kimball, WV is the only store in a county with a 40% plus unemployment rate, 60% plus poverty rate and with no other stores in an hour’s drive. There’s one 2-lane road in and out. Nothing is going to replace it. Whoever compared it to strip-mining is remarkably apt, because that’s all that’s ever

My cats love them and will dig them out of my bag or the basket that pocket-stuff goes in just to bat them around. So as a cat toy, A+. As lip balm— I like the tube much better.

I graduated from religious gym-goer to instructor. So not going in and having my ass kicked and kicking others’ asses would drive me to medication. Single best thing I've ever done for myself.

I know a kid named Whyzdom, and her sister Marauje. Because that won't cause any difficulty with paperwork down the road, no, not at all.

I still remember the smell of those cubes after they went off. Smells like Christmas.

It's a cheap wig. It's supposed to look like a cheap wig, as visual shorthand for the type of woman Phyllis Dietrichson is.

I killed mine by holding the lid shut and cranking the handle until the spring broke. Take that, you creepy sproingy muthafucka.

That’s where I am, too. Dry skin, thick, fine, stick-straight hennaed hair. Unless I’ve been super-sweaty, there’s no reason to wash more than every 4 days. Argan oil is my friend to tame those frizzed-out grays at the front of my head.

I had both of them, and would pretend they were the Capwell sisters from the long-cancelled soap “Santa Barbara.” Peaches and cream was the sister played by Robin Wright.

Or Captain John Hart, all the Spike and none of the Buffy!soul!angst!

And all I can think of is whether or not it's edible, because coconut crab sounds delicious.