So Japan really produces more cute per square inch than any other place on the planet. Rabbit Island, Deer Island, Cat Island, Hello Kitty, every anime critter ever, bento boxes, food painstakingly shaped like other food to go in bento boxes . . .
So Japan really produces more cute per square inch than any other place on the planet. Rabbit Island, Deer Island, Cat Island, Hello Kitty, every anime critter ever, bento boxes, food painstakingly shaped like other food to go in bento boxes . . .
I love this! I'm going to refer to my skintone as "Gorgonzola" from now on— waxy ivory with prominent blue veining.
Midnight flop sweat, good lord, yes! The best thing I've found to sleep in for that is ancient scrub-tops and disintegrating boxers. Depending on my day, it'll be gym-work-gym then home, generally with at least 2 showers.
We just clearanced out our old Zumba gear and it went insanely fast. I can't even with the clothes or the dancing, but those women are serious.
I've had both wild and farmed rabbit, and prefer the wild, but they're both mild and delicious and extremely lean. Feeding them to your cats make perfect sense because they ARE natural prey animals for almost everything bigger and toothier. I have no problem with ethically raised and slaughtered rabbit— they're far…
Hell if I know. I'm 40, and find kids up to 20 irritating as hell. Always have. Don't even find babies cute. They're just— squishy and breakable and incontinent. Kittens, though— that is a visceral "must stick my face in fuzzeh belleh NOW can I shove it in my shirt and sneak out with it?" But they take a day to litter…
There is lovely little Buffy/Ten crossover about Anya that is sweet, hilarious, and heartbreaking in one swoop, with no sexytimes involved. It's called "The Life Cycle of the Cracking Mosh Toad," by Kalima and it almost out-Whedons Whedon. Kalima is just a fantastic author on both fandoms, actually.
Yeah, it was a woeful moment in the Primordial household when, at approximately 2:43 a.m., feline bulk, persistence and dexterity combined with a the effects of humidity on the basement door, culminating in the Singularity, i.e., working the round doorknobs.
I can't even fathom the point of a thong, except to keep Monistat in business. I wear normal cotton underwear. If someone is all that concerned about my VPL, they are 1) staring at my ass too much, and 2) need something productive to do. And seriously, when is wearing underwear a crime?
Yay fellow Les Mills crazy person! Aside to people who never done BodyFlow, but like vinyasa yoga— try a class, because it's yoga with Tai Chi warmup and Pilates core, and there's a mandatory 10 minute Savasana built in. You will need a grippy mat, because you'll probably sweat.
I teach 6-7 vinyasa and BodyFlow classes a week and alternate between a Hugger Mugger Sattva (with jute woven into the top, so very grippy) and a Manduka Eko natural rubber (cushier, but heavy.) Lulu's ethos and snobbery has turned me off the company pretty much permanently.
Actually, we tend to prefer NOT being clung to or hounded for affection every moment of the day by man or beast. Which is why we have animals that don't do that. I tend to agree with my fuzzy little sociopaths on that matter. The knocking shit over for the hell of it, not so much.
The amount of recombined DNA in both those clips is staggering.
For me, it's just one more goddamned thankless chore on top of everything else I have to do, where I put in all the effort for zero return and foot cramps. Add in the possibility of yeast infections and the nearly-inevitable UTI and I would very happily avoid any sort of physical relationship ever again. I don't even…
He was really, really creepy. Especially conducting the whole double-life thing I was scared for his kids. They both knocked it out of the park. Can't wait to see what season 2 brings.
And his hotness got eclipsed by Gillian Anderson's hotness, because there are very few living creatures who can win that contest.
Especially not the gingers. Little bastards, all of them. (I say this, having had 3 gingers who were absolute gangsta, despite having been neutered early and shown no aggression from hoomans.)
I'm sure they'd have told him, and probably followed him around to torment him, but Spike kind of ate most of them and Darla and Dru slaughtered the rest.
Goggins is from Alabama, I believe, and can actually clog that well. I would watch a movie of those two just trading long-winded, multi-syllabic insults.
I have hideous astigmatism with bifocals. 3-D is like being stabbed repeatedly in the left eye with a plastic spoon.