She reminds me of Carla Bruni in the post surgery view.
She reminds me of Carla Bruni in the post surgery view.
Well, nothings changed, racist still lack the necessary intelligence to be creative.
Pageant officials: Kira has been fully transparent and we like the NFL and other organizations that don't really care about the positive portrayal, treatment or interaction with women can't understand why you would be surprised that we don't care about her potentially any violence or ill treatment of women..the end.
This is just one more thing that makes me give the side eye to the music industry. That I have to avoid pop music and television to miss Iggy Azalea and have to put an APB out for an Azalea Banks track is tragic. No shade to someone making it big but why Banks ever game time to a "beef" with Iggy is beyond me, her…
Whip Smart 11 year old Ferguson Kid is Probably Our Future President
This my friend is quote worthy. Interwebs award of the day.
She is ignoring the fact that the lawsuit wasn't dropped because she is a good ole girl who never said the "n word" and never did anything to her employees that would be considered defamatory or negligent as an employer, it was thrown out because a white woman couldn't be hurt by her actions! Yet, she is on this…
I honestly didn't think of sideline reporting as the coveted position that many are making it out to be. I always assumed that it was the equivalent of the weekend Today anchors or the fill in anchors just waiting for someone to retire or get fired so that the sideliner could get in the booth! I'm surprised that Pam…
She may not "look" the most athletic but she demonstrated that she is. On the other note, being thin wouldn't confirm being athletic either.
I have no problem with the color of the suit. The Easter pic is a different suit or he's lost enough weight that the suit is now ill fitting.
Nothing says Merry Christmas like Kirk Cameron pop locking and one stereotypical black man yelling, "Can I get an amen...Glory". The gift that keeps on giving, or perhaps if someone will screen grab and caption 1:40 forward, the GIF that keeps on giving.
That's valid, but I also think that the greater issue is the perception that men feel entitled to have and holding them accountable. There is certainly some privilege in being male in that one man's behavior isn't used as the paintbrush for all of them (taking race out of the equation). A lot of this just seems…
I won't deny that there is an element of this that could be perceived, however, when I do something I intend it to be a statement about ME. I think about this from the concept of racial identifiers and stereotypes. When I see a black woman doing something that I disagree with I don't want to have to be indignant…
Sofia Vergara's brand is exactly what SHE means it to people really think that she was surprised by that "bit", it was obviously a practiced part of the show. Also, what's the deal with feminism always creating rules about how we individually should exhibit feminism? Perhaps owning her body, her look, and…
This is shockingly bad!
The reason that clarification on that sentence is so important is actually part of the issue that so many people can be dismissive, they feel as though every male is painted with a large sweeping brush through description or stereotype.
J Lo's bootie is underwhelmingly normal in that video. All of these years later Nicki is proving what a million girls in urban America have been for years, she made booty acceptable but in some places it's been bigger, better and more popular lol