“I don’t know who this Dr. Shu is, but good lord, where’s a resource officer when you need one?”
“I don’t know who this Dr. Shu is, but good lord, where’s a resource officer when you need one?”
Schools have buy games all of the time, is it because it’s an evangelical school that people are so bothered? The fact that they are a debt free institution allowed them the opportunity to do something that smaller schools wish they could do for the air time, increased enrollment, etc.
I’m no Jerry proponent but let’s…
1) They ALSO changed formulas. There is no product that the audience that built their brand (black women) could successfully use to do the same thing that it has always done that would simultaneously do the same for white women—-our hair is not the same. Changing the formula impacts the core user as much as it helps…
Yadda Yadda Yadda...Chris Evans is single. (That’s what I heard)
His response after he saw her is where he got off track to me. His demeaning “sit down bitch” that took it to a level that was beyond disrespectful. Anybody jumping in to say, “black woman here” before they excuse it is ridiculous.
Yes, Nicki totally missed it. This line was magic! And the hand emphasis when she did it....#delivert
He should be held highly accountable for that..
Jeffree Star, YouTube Guru AND OWNER OF HIS OWN LIPSTICK LINE...perhaps that’s why he felt the “no shade” was necessary, when he really meant, “I’m too nice to say this but, why the phuck would you guys buy this second rate product when mine is available?”
“I mean, I do wish that I’d given myself permission to really own the me of me earlier in life.”
Because subconsciously (or perhaps not) these magazine editors look at black women’s features and skin and figure anything is better...I wish they would just stop.
She looks like, “how the fuck did I birth a lying ass politician, just how?”
Ends a way too long rant, which included blatant threats, with “I’m not threatening”..what?
It’s interesting how Demi made an unnecessary statement, was called out on it and then played the victim card. I really wish Zendaya would have a “Demi, what’s good?” moment.
What in the ever living phuck! Where is Larry Flynt when you need someone to shed light on lies and hypocrisy?
We are seeing something new, exotic, awesome and potentially one of a kind...let’s drag it out of it’s natural habitat and kill it!!!!
Kanye, from Chicago, gave me a song that had a really New York vibe.