The MadSaleswoman

I'm not usually over the top about any celebrity but all I could say when they were on stage at the end was "Black Love" YASSSSSSS! Daily News, Post, whatever keep on with the gossip, you can't fake what you saw last night on that stage and I'm not a stan by any means! Loved the performance but really loved the

I am tweeting this as my gif of the day for sure, LOVE IT!

This pickup Barbie bullshit is more than I can stand. We don't need this version of crap being perpetuated, yet I can promise you that this will be played at wedding receptions across the Bible belt because the only way you can be a good wife is to understand that God placed you here to heat his chicken soup when

Funny they've always promoted themselves as doing it all WITHOUT government assistance. It's interesting that they don't perceive citizen covered healthcare and finding a tax break through the church as FREE.

Seriously! You can cover sex ed with my kid without deciding which subjective details need to be included (i.e. sexual positions—not that this is in there). I'm fine with the basics but I don't necessarily need my kid to learn about the more graphic adult aspects of sex like asphyxiation practices . I'm liberal

Either this is true or they will just live under the same umbrella that Will and Jada live under...perpetually divoricing via the tabloids.

Usually a pair of panties could inspire me to come up with all kinds of come on lines to try out on my man (a la Cosmo) but these somehow make them all wrong.

I addressed the portion of your statement that was the issue to me. Why can't something be a "huge feat" and be just that? I was glad that there weren't a lot of people saying that it was great "for a woman" because it was simply great.

I'm not social media averse at all, however, could it be possible that another reason for succumbing to the eating disorder was the inordinate amount of pressure she put on herself by IG'ing everything she put in her mouth and building a fame/fanbase from it? Not to be outdone by using the disorder and transition for

"I hate to be that person"..but not really.

Her face at 3:49 is priceless lol...she is in there like YASSS Bitch, YASS!

I will be tweeting the last sentence in the first paragraph, it translates well in a lot of situations. In this economy as people are struggling and suffering more, the judgment police are out and about. It's often easier to keep your "situation" to yourself rather than share with others and I've watched people make

On Behind the Lines with Bryant Gumbel, I heard that there will be options for fans to dial a cheerleader up to their seat via app....there were so many other reasons but adding this takes this job way out of minimum wage range! Putting yourself at risk of being groped by drunk fans is questionable if this will

I wanted to have something nice to say about Birks but seriously you could cover them in fairy dust, unicorn glitter, and photograph them in a Kate Middleton v. Pippa Middleton who wore it better column and I still would be like...."I can't".

I guess being black makes a member of the "they" and "them" group but I'll speak for ME. I didn't blink once or twice at that verdict. As a matter of fact, I viewed OJ as a member of the privileged class that got away with murder. Many of the white priviledge class viewed him as part of their community until the

This may be the best thing I will see today....I'm waiting and so far, yep!

I just noticed that....JP is the prime example for why being hot should never be a primary qualification for a husband (something we all eventually learn). It's funny to think back to when he was just one of the hot contestants and everyone fawned over him and see how unattractice and maligned he has become post

That's one of the issues with a lot of these "statement" dresses, the focus becomes so much about the shock factor that it leaves out the elements that would actually make them pretty or remarkable in other ways.

love that quote!

And as they transition their image let's hope that the demographic that they didn't want purchasing or wearing their clothing in the past doesn't begin to support them through this "phase".