Mad Man Ryan

Looks good... but it seems too "smooth". It's almost like Merc is using the blur tool on PS a little much. I'd love to see it in person, probably wouldn't buy it.

Lane splitting is not dangerous. Unless you are in America, that is. I lived in Italy for 5 years, and lane split daily on my two wheels and I was fine. Europeans expect you to lane split, so you never have any real trouble.

Ah ok, because I've always found I gravitate towards cheering for Alonso.

May I ask, why? Always seemed like a likable and at all times professional to me.

Ok now we do it with Legos..

Pics or it didn't happen.

I think mechanical symphony is nice. However, I enjoyed the first race of the season MUCH more than any other time in recent memory, and did not think once about the noise as I was focused on the actual racing. BUT, if they could find a way to keep the racing as it was in the first race AND bring the noise, then by

They are, and the ones I use are the "small" ones. I can't imagine using one of the bigger ones those guys use. I have to wear foamies and a head set before I'm allowed to use the ones we have, because they can and will damage your ear drums in one go. As for piping fake noises through the tv, I don't know.

Who said I was angry? How I type is how I talk (mostly). I'm in the military, every other word from everyone I work with is a curse word. And while I did "sidestep" your question, it's the fact that I didn't answer that should have been a clue. If my PCP were to tell me something of that nature, i wouldn't give two

I think you are completely missing my point, but that's ok, I'll spell it out for you: WHO GIVES A FUCK IF YOU ARE OFFENDED.

He's probably found it easier to control Seb as #1. Sort of like the puppet and the puppeteer. Maybe he play bumper cars with Seb and whoever is in his way.

To be fair, it appear as if he has super powers that allow him to move things with his mind, and put them together effortlessly in mere seconds. Why spend the money on a team if he can do it himself? I bet he also has the fastest pit time ever, with no pit crew.

Damn. Oh well, guess I'll have to find out more later. Thanks for the info!

He has his opinions, and you have yours. Jabbing at him for jabbing at religion makes yours no better or worse. And if a choice of WORDS is enough to call someone unprofessional, then I'd say you need to get that stick out of your ass and wake up to the world.

where is the live stream and i hope they make good on that promise. I need to get back to Germany!

Well, I'm down to be on the side of the villain if I get to use the sweet race tracks.

Yup, because all you have to do is put some America on the ring to ruin it. There would have been billboards and bullshit everywhere.

More racetracks!? That doesn't sound villain-y at all! That sounds awesome.

I just don't get it. I mean, her breast are nice and all, but there are far better looking girls with just as nice or nicer breast..

Yea. No. Just don't. Let it be, just stop.