
I don’t see how the overcrowding of prisons is relevant to sentencing. 

RimWorld; I’m trying Mods for the first time; mostly the Vanilla Expanded but I’ve also got some QoL and such.  

Wait. Nine months, not even in prison? Isn’t stealing USPS mail supposed to be a big deal? It’s a straight up felony. It’s not like this guy was some porch pirate stealing a single package, either - he was in a position of authority and made a goddamn career of this. 

You know, I have noticed lately that Kotaku isn’t covering content that is relevant to me anymore. You’re either covering consoles I don’t own, games I don’t play or aspects of said games that straight up don’t matter.

Genshin Impact, for example. I’m playing it, it’s a great game. I play on PC. I’ve run into the

We need to get a shout out to the metro regions of Georgia NOW: their votes matter. Their voice matters. They *CAN* outnumber the rural GOP voters if they show up - get out, get your black communities registered to vote and destroy the GOP in the January Senate runoffs.

We *CANNOT* wait for this. There is no way there

This is the ultimate irony for anyone who thought black lives did not matter - black VOTES sure as hell matter!

On that note, ANYONE in Atlanta or the other metro regions of Georgia, please please PLEASE reach out and get more black citizens registered for the special elections in January. Show the GOP that black

I’m a 34 year old gamer married to a gamer whose entire social circle revolves around gaming.

Yeah, I’d like a political representative who understands-and shares-my world view. 

NO ONE should be covering this. I had no idea who this dipshite was and would have been perfectly happy remaining that way; Twitch may be used for streaming games, but that doesn’t mean everyone who streams there is gaming news. 

If I’m reading this correctly, he replaced the ClearBlue screen with an Equate one because the chip wasn’t reprogrammable? 

Switch. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had and loved everything from the old-school ‘grey brick’ Gameboy and Sega’s GameGear to the more recent PSP and DS/3DS’s, but I absolutely love the Switch’s flexibility and the ease at which it has actually managed to bring back (to some extent) couch co-op for consoles. The library

I mean, he’s using the digital display and reprogrammed the existing chip from a ClearBlue pregnancy test; did you expect him to incorporate the urine sensor into the game play somehow?

I would go a step farther; it is not a RIGHT to question our leaders and hold them accountable, but our DUTY. Representative-style governments such as Democracies or Republics straight up do not work unless they are held accountable. Voting should be a requirement, not a privilege.

You know, a lot of people are quick to call one party or the other names without really thinking this through. Sure, this is a battle of behemoths and one tried to paint itself as an underdog to generate support from the masses, though the message itself is a bit nebulous given the age and references involved - which

To be fair, we pretty much deserve it at this point. Supporting the Democratic Party simply because they’re the only real option against the GOP’s consistent slide towards-let’s face it-fascism is just as much a part of what got us here as the GOP’s thinly veiled pandering to bigots. The only real defining feature of

We don’t talk about that. 

So... how does one find ‘sympathetic attorneys’ these days? Is there a website or something where one can find attorneys in your state, or is the ACLU pretty much all we’ve got?

Because I can tell you that many counties in Florida don’t even have legal aid organizations that are technically required by Florida law and

I was thinking along similar lines, noting that some of the largest densities of black people are in the southern states (such as Georgia), where the Republican-majority governors are straight up failing to take appropriate action. 

I disagree vehemently with the #1 slot and believe 6 to be the superior game for one simple reason, and it’s what killed 5 for me entirely.

There is an optimal play for Civilization 5, no matter your start conditions, goals or and other variables. Every game, every time can and should be started the exact same way

I mean, this isn’t even really a Marxist analysis of property rights... I find it amusing how all ideologies fit into a small handful of ‘recent’ examples and ignore the possibility of new routes of thought or decidedly older labels.

For example, our current housing and employment system in the US is basically

See, I *WAS* excited to see the game remastered, but then I heard they were breaking it into chapters and releasing it piece by piece.