
Actually, they missed an entire category. Randomness which effects the player during gameplay which they have no agency in - Darkest Dungeon is the greatest example of this, where enemies can score critical hits or ‘randomly’ target all their attacks on a single member of your party. Personally, I find this randomness

Is it weird that I knew about practically none of these films?

I mean, I’ve never been a huge movie-goer, but I was at least AWARE of what the latest Hollywood hype was in the past... now it’s like anything not Marvel or LoTR-esque isn’t even on my radar anymore.

I still have my original copy for PS1, it’s one of my favorites.

The game has incredible depth and a LOT of secrets; the crafting system alone is mind boggling. Though it does lack some quality of life elements... having to add hundreds of chaos crystals is a nightmare. 

The hell are you even on about?

This is essentially what I was saying. A huge number of our current issues are tied to the disproportionate representation of Boomers among voters, while the younger generations are highly disillusioned with the concept of civic duties such as voting (which Trump’s election didn’t help) and while we ostensibly

While I do agree with your assessment, the issue isn’t THAT the Boomers react the very premise of climate change with derision, it is the WHY. Our entire infrastructure and society is practically built on fossil fuels; it’s not even like the Boomers don’t know this was going to be an issue eventually anyway, we’ve all

I mean, the blatant evil of the GOP and Trump in general aside, you think winter heating causes the highest utility bills? Clearly you’ve never spent a summer in the southern states - average power bill in a single-family home in Florida is going to easily crush $350/mo due almost entirely to cooling costs. 

The ‘All Natural’ thing always seemed retarded to me. I’m actually pretty sure it qualifies as a logical fallacy; I mean, plenty of things occur ‘naturally’ that are not only not good but a fair number that are straight up poisonous.

Hemlock. Hemlock is ‘all natural’, but I don’t think that was much comfort to

I’m saying. *returns to painting my wife’s Mordheim warband of Dark Elves and Daemonettes. 

Look at my picture. I’m white, dumbarse.

The policy itself is horse shit, whether a parent reads it or not. Just like policies against electronics or random articles of clothing or jewelry worn by minority or ‘outcast’ groups (such as banning ‘goth’ clothing - my high school tried that) which existed during my school

The parent not reading the policy isn’t the issue - the policy itself in the first place is racist, as hair extensions are predominantly used by black women. If the color itself is an issue I would point out that red is a natural hair color in Caucasians (and thus unlikely to get a white girl in trouble) so the

This seems like a somewhat cynical attempt to respond to the “MMO vs multiplayer w/ friends” issue.

I mean, sure, I can pay to have a server so that a handful of friends and I can play together, but at the end of the day the game is still an MMO. It is designed to BE an MMO, with MMO limitations and flaws. The most

My problem with it is we keep telling Bethesda we want to play Fallout/Elder Scrolls with friends and, for whatever reason Bethesda hears this and keeps making MMO’s.

I don’t know who at Bethesda needs to hear this, but stop making effing MMO’s. ‘Play with friends’ does not mean ‘play with every asshat in the world’. 

Why bother at this point?

Indeed; this is why I am a massive proponent of strict oversight and regulation for businesses. However, no level of regulation should enforce a business to push a political or even human rights issue beyond establishing some ethical baselines as a matter of law. And I again stress the difference between ethics and

No, I simply pointed out an ETHICAL disparity between our cultures as PART of my argument. Assuming you took that Philosophy 101 course, I’m sure you can figure out the difference between ethics and morals, specifically on a cross-cultural level. Furthermore, I in no way indicated that the example of a ‘Chinese

I don’t disagree, I’m just pointing out that we’re working backwards - in the case you mentioned, policy determined that the actions are illegal. The action was top-down. Also, this is a fantastic observation of my underlying point: a business is an entity whose sole purpose is the generation of wealth - ethics have

I’ve been giving this issue some thought and I wanted to share with you the response I had for one of my buddies who announced he was removing Blizzard games from his systems over this issue.

“This is a business, not a vehicle for political or social change; they’re going to do what is in their best interest and

I mean, like I said the man isn’t an ‘upstanding citizen’, but I’ve seen people who literally have no idea who he is an I guarantee are reacting ONLY to his ‘snitching’ and are completely unaware of his prior crimes or history - which was more my point, that people who have no friggin clue who this guy is are mad

I don’t understand all the vitriol; I’m seeing people that have so little to do with the subject matter wishing death on the man that I’m wondering if the man named their grandmothers as accomplices to some crime. I mean, he’s not really an example of an upstanding citizen, but they’re more angry that he ‘tattled’