
Yeah, I think this particular guy didn't really have a reason to do this. But imagine an electrical engineer or even just an electrician. He would be able to feel the magnetic field caused by the movement of current in a wire, thus knowing if he should or should not touch a particular wire. Think if every

That sure is some deep hate man. You may want to speak to someone about those anger issues.


I have to agree with you. Maybe I am the most eloquent speaker on Earth, but I have been using Siri to text for me and she is rarely incorrect. She even gets my contractions and curse words correct (full disclosure: I am using Spire on an iPhone 4 with BiteSMS, so one of those may have to do with the not correcting

This was my original thought too...but then I thought they could just make it so that Voice Control works when the Wi-fi is not connected, and Siri works when Wi-fi is connected. I'm using Spire on an iPhone 4, but when I disable Siri, the Voice Control works again. Anybody know if this is different on a 4S? If it

I think the main difference is that when you go to iTunes, you're looking for something specific...a song you heard on the radio, a band you like, or even a genre. IMO, I don't think that people use iTunes to discover music as much as people use the App Store to try to discover apps because there's not really a way

I'm glad I'm not the only one that read this and thought, "Isn't this what my TouchPad does?"

You asked what a fair comparison would be. I gave you my opinion, and you just said "Nope." Then repeated what you've been saying, which is the point on which I disagree. Google has the business model of putting Android on any circuit board that will allow them to install Android. So, you are comparing countless

Android is an operating system, not a phone. The iPhone is a phone. iOS is Apple's operating system. So you compare anything sold with Android to anything sold with iOS. Now we're including iPods into the mix. That's the fair comparison.

Not to mention that there are countless free Android phones. I would have to assume those are counted as sales, even if they are 100% subsidized by the provider.

Holy crap, I wish my calculus book was that cheap. Mine was $275. My physics book was $225.

Also according to the amazing diagram, all the cops are clones of Speed Racer. And the shields only seem to work on the solid humans, not the outline humans, and we all know those are the worst kind.

Oh come on, it's not like CERN had anything to do with it...we all know Al Gore invented the internet.

I would just roll up into the fetal position on the ground and spam Blanka's electricity like everyone used to do.

It's a sailboat.

You must not have seen last weekend when Hugh Jackman did a cameo on SNL as Harry Potter. I wasn't referencing something from last season, it was last week. Granted, it was last season as well, but SNL loves to stick to the skits that work, lol.

Steve Jobs - TWO SIDES!

This seems to be the current explanation from many of the Republican Presidential Nominees as well.

Wow, really? Categorialism isn't philosophy? I really think Aristotle would beg to differ, my friend.

Maybe this is delving into the philosophical realm, but you don't really understand how important categorization is until you do. Everything that humans do is categorized and there's no such thing as a lack of categorization. Even if you say "I'm not going to categorize this," you still have two categories: no