
It sure is amazing how many people fail to reset their phone before they sell it.

Awesome article, thank you very much. And I apologize if I'm spamming you with replies, this shit is going crazy on me. Comments are disappearing, images are showing up only sometimes, and my link is now broken too. So, I'm sorry, lol, but I give up.

Ok, complete comment fail. The photo is only showing up about half of the time for me and then my comment just disappeared.

I just saw this last night, thought you may enjoy.

I mean, Galileo Galilei never intended to travel to the sun. I guess that means that the Earth is still the center of our galaxy. Science is bigger than just our lifetime. Everything is bigger than just our lifetime.

Exactly, it's like people seem to forget that you pay $5 for a card, take time out of your busy schedule to go to a B&M store to get one, 95% of them suck, and then you STILL have to get a stamp and drop it in a mailbox. Regardless of the fact the Apple cards are cheaper, they are your own sentiment. It's funny to

If anyone can save a dying company, it's Steve Jobs, right?

Me too, I was surprised when it wasn't mentioned in any liveblog coverage (although I did not look to see if there was a video on this time because it wasn't Steve).

Oh wow, now I feel like an idiot, lol. I just kinda assumed it would come out on the 14th, if at all. Seems like it's the only reason to buy a new Nano if you already have one.

I'm sorry if I missed this somewhere, but is the new Nano software going to be an available upgrade for the current Nano generation? All I want are the new clock faces, to be honest.

Hahaha, clever...but I believe the correct term is "Ground Transport-ted."

So then all that woman in Argentina needed was some kitty litter, damn.

You also have to disregard the smell of all your smoldering belongings, but yeah, other than those things, daisy fresh!

When I read "Watch the paint streak down as she guides it by spinning the canvas around," my first reaction was "Hey, I did that when I was younger, it's called Spin Art." But then I watched the video. I still think this is a progression of the Spin Art idea (the "brush-less paintings using physics idea") but this


I know that two weeks ago, this would have been a really odd question, but...any idea if this is coming to webOS?

An HP rep told me that HP's future is webOS. I was told that they are getting out of the hardware business to focus purely on software. He told me that their goal is to put webOS on tablets made by other manufacturers. He also said "We are working to get webOS on par with Apple and Andoid."

"And stay tuned for the next 6-Pack of apps (planned for early September)."

I'm sure it's tweaks like that, apps like Whatsapp and Facebook Messenger, as well as Apple's announcement of iMessage that are making AT&T lose volume on sent texts, making them raise their prices on the fewer texts being sent to make up for the "loss," even though it is clearly not a loss to them either way.

Check out right now. I picked one up. Hard to beat it for the price.