
You are asking questions I can’t answer. I don’t have anymore information than you.

Did you have a point or are you just being contrarian?

OK you have a point. The EFF pull quote from the court ruling is cute but it has no legal meaning outside of the entire ruling, which if you read it, is more complex. There are a number of additional circumstances (that are outlined in the court ruling) that have to be accounted for when determining whether a

I have no idea. The problem is probably that by endorsing it under their copyright and trademarks they are also legally obliged to ‘support’ it, and as they have already stated, tech and customer supporting these things is not trivial from their perspective.

That’s a cynical view. Might be right, might not.

Yeah but Activision...

I absolutely agree. I think the ‘creatives’ and the ‘corporates’ definitely have different opinions on the issue!

Fair enough. I guess they just have to find busy work for their lawyers on retainer in that case.

Unfortunately they are legally obliged to shut the renegade servers down, so they will never find peace with them unless they officially endorse one.

But you have to put it together yourself and you accidentally do it wrong and it comes crashing down at the first sniff of a Swedish winter storm.

My brother has the same problem. I’m in the dark as to how it affects his dick sucking skills though. I’ll ask his wife and let you know what she says.

Oh come on! I was being sincere!

I don’t really keep count of the dicks I suck.. Putting notches on your bedpost is the sort of crass behaviour I would expect from a Frat Bro, not the enlightened denizens of Jezebel. all of the funny things I thought of to say in response to this only work with the correct verbal delivery. By meaning alone they all sound super douchey or condescending (like ‘70s mad-men style).

...umm it’s a little different tbh.

Calling on someone to name a source is a stupid argument. You do not understand how journalism works. Sometimes you have to trust the integrity of the journalist to verify their source and then protect it.

So they are going to put Scarlett Johansson in Yellow-Face and they think that solves the problem?

‘If you write some bullshit on a sign I’ll let you do a bump out of the office supply instead of your own this afternoon?’

You should have gone to South Asia with him, then you really would have turned some heads.

Find a husband/wife of a different race and have beautiful mixed race children. Everyone knows hafu kids are cuties.