Better than you can imagine. I’m a particular fan of Laphroiag, their PX Cask is just wonderfully complicated combination of smoke and wood. But if I was attempting to get a beautiful visitor just the right kind of tipsy, then I’d probably bring a bottle of Glen Morangie. It’s smooth and a tiny bit sweet and it slips…
There was an article here a few months ago about an African American woman and her reception by (I’m guessing mostly white) men in America, Europe and elsewhere. It was an interesting read.
Look you’ve obviously made your mind up, but lets not pretend you actually know what you are talking about.
He’s right, but he’s still being a dick about it.
...because The Guardian never published anything that was given to them as a Tip, am I right?
because the internet needs more Meta, always.
The name ‘Dank Wheelie’ also made me assume all the guy were white.
(Imagine if Jia Tolentino had leaked all her trash-talking emails on purpose.)
Good one!
Didn’t you hear, they apply Australia shipping costs to digital products these days...
Those are among my favorite articles of yours.
Did you make that just for this thread? Also for Jia I feel like it should be red wine and not water...
Everyone knows all true insight into the nature of life and the world comes from the Eastern Philosophies. It was probably Confucius who actually said it.
Its a sad but ultimately pragmatic assessment.
I hate he said/she said cases so much because it makes me feel insensitive towards the victim.
PussyCrusher is the name of one of the guys playing for Iowa State, by-the-by...
League of Legends gets more views than Counter Strike by far, but Riot Games is only worth as much as Dustin Browder’s Swear Jar. Blizzard have the money to partner with ESPN for Heroes even though its less popular than LoL.