
That wasn’t a clash of swords, it was a Stooge’s level slap fight.

Fat old white guys, instead of esports core demographic, fat young white guys!

OK captain defensive. You need to relax.

Comparing the graphics of 1 game made 12 years before another game is a bit of a crutch, right. There are plenty of other good argument in this thread, I was really talking about D3 vanilla on release.

Such a great game that Diablo 3 tried to improve it and failed horribly.

And post it on Jezebel

My highest karma comment on reddit is essentially this comment, in reference to a slightly different story.

I have Santigold on at work regularly at get weird looks from my co-workers. I guess its not the typical music of choice for a 29 year old white guy from England.

Since I have the artistic capabilities of a Vogon, I’ll leave the drawing up to you. Please post your work if you do draw something!

If you draw Cammy with an bob cut (or hair like Johanna from Heroes Of The Storm) I will by most pleased.

Yeah for sure. I thought he was fucked because the Nydus popped before he had medivacs, the best bit of the micro was what he did with the tanks and SCVs before the medivac popped!

It humiliates America’s collective e-peen.

I bet you like Baseball ;)

Its the marginal decision making. We mere mortals have to make all of these split second decisions during an RTS which is just nerve wracking. The pros play so much that it isn’t a decision anymore, its a reaction.

The Nydus worms unload units way faster than you can kill them off, so it is surprisingly not as big of a choke point as you’d think.

Listen Fanboy, I said writing style not spelling. I’m not sure I actually noticed if there were any spelling mistakes, I wasn’t grading it.

Icefrog will defintely say ‘I was talking to him as a friend, not as a Valve employee, in addition, I am a fucking game designer not a production director and I have no place telling the casters how to behave on screen.’

I would say that pretty accurately describes the core demographic of esports... you want me to explain to you the sociological role of jargon? Or do you just want to keep ranting?

For a counter example of a caster who knows how to tell the difference between his own Twitch stream and a Tournament setting, SC2's Nathanias is a good example.