
Actually it primarily depends on whether the antibiotic is absorbed through the stomach or the intestines. Antibiotics that absorb through the stomach get into you a bit faster since they start being absorbed as soon as your swallow them. Antibiotics that absorb through the gut need to be in there long enough to leave

One of the benefits of being cyanotic is that you can’t say stupid shit. . .

I agree. I feel like the right hand side of the infographic is extra not helpful. I think 90% of the possible combinations of ingredients on that side would be disgusting.

I know I personally love my mayonaise/soy sauce/buttermilk salad dressing. . .

As a man, I agree.

You are joking, right? Right?

Its not a bad study and this:

We call Speed Bumps ‘Sleeping Policemen’ in the U.K. too. . .

Basic Christmas etiquette: If you are in the kitchen you are either helping or leaving. The only exception is if you are there to fill up my Mum’s Sherry glass. Once done you should immediately revert to one of the other states.

Die Hard is the only Christmas movie you ever need.

Good Article, Great Kinja Comments!

When your current dog dies can I replace it? Your dog is better medicated than all mt family crazies. I’ll even wear the special Christmas Sweater...

Thanks Yannick, now I know what I will doing instead of my work tomorrow morning (Australia time)!

It is a very common mistake because we pause naturally when we use a conjunction in speech and people place commas where they would pause while speaking.

And less ridiculous than Quidditch (by a hair).

Its a bit niche though isn’t it?

I really wish you had finished that simile. Just to see what you came up with. Or was the ellipses the simile?

It just seems kind of crazy to me, because you get paid to write.

* Law-enforcement officers are typically exempted from this policy, although I struggle to understand the argument that members of the Army National Guard count as “law-enforcement officers.”

Even that got the nerf-bat of shame a few patches ago though!