
No, but my portfolio isn’t centered around pork futures.

You don’t need to care about the opinion of China. It is hitting America in the only place it ever feels anything: right in the fucking wallet. That’ll make the change happen sooner or later.

So there is a site that collects statistics on the games that I forget the name of and the abathur illidan combo has a less than 50% win rate.

I think you’ll get more stars when people go to urban dictionary to learn what that means...

Or when I use Divine shield on an assassin when they are super low and then they decide to dive because they are invincible...

There is benefit to lifting to failure. Muscle mass gain is signaled primarily through muscle tissue death; working so hard you fail is a really good way of promoting muscle growth because of the fatigue. Although you have to get a massive hit of protein in the few hours following the exercise to really get the

...I don’t think anyone thinks deadlifts are a push. You might be conflating the common piece of advice that is to try to push your feet through the floor rather than pull the weight up, which I never really understood but w/e works for people I guess.

vigorously shake the un-chilled vodka in a tin with ice which causes the ice to break down and like magic the vodka turns from room temperature to ice cold.

You are right but the best argument to get in the gym isn’t about changing the way you look, its about changing the way you feel. Explaining that is the hard part.

I’m sorry, but the best way to do it is thus:

unerroringly is a possible made up word that I don’t hear nearly often enough..

She got a texture revamp? You can still see the aliasing in her sword in the lead image ‘before’ picture... not a very good texture update.

Rule 34 is real, huh...

Really wonderful article. Thanks for writing it!

... so far ;)

Thanks for the reply.

So I don’t know how you go about your job and I’d imagine the modern internet age has enabled some sex workers to work from relative isolation. But I’ll ask anyway.

As a climber, WHERE IS ALL THE FOOD?

I would try gripping the bars harder, you might find it helps. This is a fairly common problem for people doing dips and bench press. Gripping harder will make you firm up your wrist and also improve the weight distribution.

omg lol where did that gif come from?